chapter 11

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Its been a months since their debut, the group had their buzy schedules like performing here and there, fan meeting, interviews and an exhausting song and dance practice for their first album...

kyuhyun,jongwoon and ryeowook are choosen to be the main vocal of the group and as a main vocalist, the three are doing their first album as a vocal sub unit of the group who they name it k.r.y

On the other hand Jongwoon is giving a stagename of yesung( vocal cord of an artist) on their label since his voice is unique and someone says that his voice is like an art

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On the other hand
Jongwoon is giving a stagename of yesung( vocal cord of an artist) on their label since his voice is unique and someone says that his voice is like an his co member started calling him yesung

Jongwoon pov;

" wow! Yesung hyung! That was great Adlib,I like it when we sing together and suddenly your voice-"

"What's great about it? He just ruined it! Ryeowook snap his head towards the door and glared at donghae sternly, he wanted to say something but i stop him..and shook my head no

We are currently at the practice room waiting for the other to come, while waiting ryeowook, siwon, hangin, leetuek hyung and me decided to practice on our song, but donghae and his friends suddenly appeared in the room

" Art like voice huh!! Its more like a trash voice to me! Donghae continue to mock me while kangin and shindong laugh at his words..

" i wonder how-" his word cut off short when the door behind us slam open, revealing kyuhyun, kibum, sungmin and heechul.....

" so! If yesung voice is a trash! How about yours? kyuhyun voice echo around the room that makes donghae hiss at his words and glare towards the others who's holding their laugh but ryeowook broke it and laugh loudly that earned a slap on his arm by siwon

" by the way! Hyung! wook! Our manager is waiting for us! Let's go? Kyuhyun called us out and turn to exit the room ignoring the others and donghae glare..ryeowook grab my hand but he was stop by heechul

" what now hyung?ryeowook said annoyedly but heechul just smirk at him

" nothing about you wook! I just want -heechul stared at me for a second and smile at me " to say good morning to you my yesung!

I felt shivered down my spine when heechul say that to me but i shrugged it off and smile back to him..

" my yesung your face! Ryeowook snorted and grab my hand again and
we both follow kyuhyun out


" hyung! Are you okay? Kyuhyun ask me worriedly when i stay silent since we arrive at music room" don't worry hyung,promise as long as i'am here!i will not let others hurt you specially that donghae! I wi-"

" yeah! Me too hyung! Ryewook butted in and smile at me

I lift my head to look at them , i didn't say anything just looking at them for a minute and smile at them

" thank you! Kyu! Ryewook! But i don't want you to get in trouble because of me.. its not because of what donghae say to me -"but because of the pain ignating inside me"i continue my words on my mind not wanting to tell them about my illness" donghae hate me for no reason or maybe-"

" he is plainly jealous of you because of you bestfriend! Kyuhyun cut me out

" why? I ask confusely

" because donghae like hyukjae ,, i heard him confessing on hyukjae after our debut performance but hyukjae didn't say anything to him...i was out of words on what kyuhyun said and slowly clinch my chest, the pain start again but this time its more painful, my breathing start to get hard and i felt dizzy while my vision start to blurr

" hyung? I snap out of my daze when i felt a presence infront of me,i feel kyuhyun is infront of me and his warm hand on my face..he was saying something but i can't understand him , the only sounds i heard is my heartbeat and the unbearble pain that slowly numb my body until everything is gone


I woke up in a room that i familiarize for almost half of my life that i've been here since i was diagnose...the pain that i felt awhile ago is gone..

" ahh! Hyung! Thank god your awake! I leaned my head towards the voice and smile when i saw my bestfriend hyukjae

" hyung? I snap out on my daze and my smile faded when reality hit me, hyukjae is not here and he won't be here beside me anymore

" hyung! Are you okay?how do you feel now? Kyuhyun ask me worriedly and grab my hand

"I-im fine-"

" no! Your not hyung" Kyuhyun cut me off before he continue " did you tell hyukjae about it? Did he know that you h-"

"How did you know about it? Kyuhyun tighten his hold on my hand and sigh

" the doctor told me everything about your illness hyung! Why did you keep it from him hyung? He said while looking at me sadly

" i want him to be happy kyu! I don't want to bother him about my illness..i know how happy hyukjae now and i don't want to ruin it because of this! kyuhyun stared at me blankly for a minute before he let out a frustrated sigh and tear his eyes away from me..

" hyukjae will be here in a minute" he started and let go of my hand

" actually he came here with me and the others awhile ago but the others don't stay long because our manager ask them to go back .. me and hyukjae ask permission to stay with you but i think i'am not needed here anymore , hyukjae is buying you a food he'll be here any minute..after that word kyuhyun walk towards the door,he didn't say anything and he didn't stop or turn back to me when i try to call him and leave the room..i sigh and my eyes didn't leave the door, part of me wanted kyu to come back to apologize and thank him for what he have done for me ,,, i was out of my thought when the door click and open revealing hyukjae carrying a bag of food on his both hand, he was smiling at me and i smile back and look at the door again, i heard him saying something but my mind is too buzy thinking of the person who leave this room a minute ago...

Done! Hello guys! How are you? Hope your are all fine and healthy, please take good care of yourself the way i finish this part without editing hehe..well! You know why! Maybe i'll try to edit my story some other time.. Hope you like it guys and please for those donghae fans, i didn't meant to make him bad, its just part of my story hope you guys understand, i love donghae too in reality 😁😁😁bye guys and see you next time

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