Just who is "Niko?"

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"Mom! Dad!" I threw my arms around my parents, it had been two weeks since I last saw them. They had been on vacation in Couji. It's a small island country that not many people have heard of, but my parents went on vacation there every other summer. I was never allowed with them.

"Annika!" They said in unison. My parents were the perfect couple, they thought alike, acted alike, and believed the same things. I often wished I would find someone like that. "Our luggage is still in the car. We also brought you something. Come with us to get it." So I followed them. Leaning against our beat up mini-van was the most beautiful man I had ever seen in my life. 

His jaw was sharp and strong, he face had a square shape that, on anyone else, would have been unpleasant. His eyes were a deep green color, his nose had the most perfect slope on it. If you stared at his face too long he began to look weird, everything just went together too well. 

He wore a suit that was obviously tailored with care just for him. It was navy blue with white epaulettes and made his body look tall and lean. He made me feel as though, in my drive way, next to my house, I was under dressed.

"You must be Annika. Excuse me, but, you are far prettier than your parents described." He took my hand and kissed it. I was stunned. I didn't know who this boy was. Why does he know who I am?

"I am Annika, but I don't know who you are. Your name?"

"My name is Niko. Why don't you know who I am?"

"I don't make a habit of talking to strangers?" After I said this, Niko turned to my parents. 

"Why doesn't she know who I am?"

My father sighed, "We never really told her. It just, never came up."

My mother added, "We meant to tell her, we really did. But then we had to come get you and we tried to tell her before we left but we didn't know how to start the conversation."

I didn't know what they were discussing, so I just let them talk. With my lips pressed together I watched this exchange of words like a volleyball game, eyes darting back and forth to each team. I was dying to ask what they were discussing, but I waited. They were probably going to tell me in a few seconds.

"Well, now that you have delayed this most important task for so long I want to tell her." Niko said My parents looked at each other. Their eyebrows rose and fell, they screwed up their faces at each other. They were having a conversation without words.

Finally, my father said, "Yes. Tell her." Niko smiled. I didn't know what Niko was going to tell me and I couldn't wait to find out. It was something important.

"I'd like to do it in a place that is not your home," he turned to me, "do you know of a place we could go? Somewhere in the town?" I smiled and laughed. Must be really important.

"Of course I do. We could go to the movies, roller skating, a park, the mall. What do you want to do?"

"Let us go roller skating. My parents never let me do that as a child, I'd like to try it." I threw my head back laughing. The only thing I could think was, what is this guy trying to play at? He's too stiff.

"Okay, but not in those clothes you can't. You'll ruin your...,"

"My Royal Uniform. All of the men in my family wear ones very similar to this." He stood straighter and puffed his chest a little while saying this sentence. I'm not sure he knows he did it.

"Yeah sure. Where are you staying? Do you have your stuff? I'll show you the bathroom and you can get changed." My fathers eyes darted to Niko, his eyes large with a warning look in them. Niko acknowledged what my father was trying to tell him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2015 ⏰

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