Part 13

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In morning

Arnav and Khushi  are sleeping peacefully in each other arms forgetting their all surrounding.  Sun ray peep in room which made Arnav groan in sleep. He rub his eyes and slowly open them but next second he again shut it feeling sharp ray  of sun Khushi who got disturbed because of his movement she hugged his torso more tightly and snuggle into his warmth.  Arnav's eyes popped open when he felt someone beside him. He look at his chest and got shocked to seeing Khushi is sleeping having cutest pout on her lips.  Arnav try to withdraw her but her grip is getting more tighten.

Ar.  Khushi he calls her but she is sleeping like a log and instead of waking up she is hugging him more tightly. After getting tired he sigh and look at her face.  He don't know when his hand raised and he tuck her hair strands to seeing proper view of her beautiful face. Khushi smile feeling tickling sensation on her cheek.  Arnav smiles and run his finger on her face. Khushi stir in sleep and slowly slowly open her eyes. Arnav got alert and he closed his eyes before she saw him awoken.  Khushi try to get up but she hitched to seeing him sleeping beside her. That's mean these due were together while night. This thoughts only gives her shivered.

K.  What I did last night.  She cups her face shading tears

K.  How can I sleep with him.  Did we do something she check her clothes and sigh in relief to find them fully. 

K. What will he think about me.what kind of girl I'm no no before he get up I should leave now. Yes that's only right. She immediately climbed down from the bed and rushed out from there.  She came outside and going fastly towards exit when she saw all people are gawking at her like she did something. 

Man.  Such a shameless girl she is. Last night she was here to organise her boss party and today we found him sleeping with him.  Chilled run through her spin to hearing him

Man 2. Like these girls search ways to trap man and this is their big weapon to get them so she did same thing only. It's not a big deal

Lady .. but they spoiled our restaurant  name. Because of  them it's cAme in black list.

Man 3. Look at her she is still standing here like she didn't do anything.  Such a shameless she is

Shuttttt upppp Khushi Jump In fear when she heard arnav's roar.

Ar.  What rubbish you are saying. How dare you to raise finger on her character. 

Man. Mr Arnav singh oberoi your screams wont hide your sin which you did last night.  Sleeping with your pa cum mistress is not good thing.

Khushi started crying hearing mistress word from their mouth. Suddenly she stepped back when dozens of media bombarded on her

Miss khushi last night you slept with me Arnav singh oberoi is that truth

Med.  miss khushi are those photos are right which all channels are showing

Me.  Didn't you feel shame to do it.  What your family would be thinking  about  you.  We are sure because of your this stunt your family would be drowned in shame.

Man. These kind of girls don't keep any shame. They just want money just money.

Aso.  Just shut upppp how dare you to raise your finger on her. He goes near her and started punching  him. Khushi started crying more to seeing him beating that man

Me.  After seeing mr Arnav singh oberoi's reaction it's cleared that they have some relationship otherwise no one react for a prostitute like this. 

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