Part One Of Sir.Giblets Adventures 

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One day while Sir.Giblets one of the low-grade crab-knights was on patrol he noticed an odd aroma in the air, he went off and looked around to figure out what was giving off such an aroma.

After crawling around for a bit he let his nose take him to the smell. He soon came across a big water fall and at the bottom of the waterfall was a medium sized pond. In the middle of that pond was a circular rock that was about a foot above the water level, in the middle of the rock here was a purple swirl in the air.

The water was a mesmerizing color bing crystal clear with a hint of blues, purples, light turquoise-y, greens, and white. The water was so beautiful Sir.Giblets couldn't help but stop and stare for a minute or two.

He soon decides to jump down the waterfall, for he did not see any other ways of getting down. Now that he was in the water he could smell the wonderful sent that seemed to come from the water.

The sent had hints of possibly lavender, mint, lemon, but the most distinctive sent was vanilla it made Sir.Giblets remember the amazing chocolate chip cookies that King Tendō always made.

He started so swim to the rock, he stared at the purple swirl as he could not take his eyes off of it. He got closer and closer to the mysterious swirl. He soon was close enough to climb onto the rock, after struggling for a moment he crawled onto the platform and made his way to the swirl.

He soon snapped out of the trance, he did not even realize that he was in. He stumbled a little not knowing how close he was to the swirl.

Yeah I can procrastinate for a long with my bestæ
Yo I've been at her house for like 35 I think hours now and don't want to leave hehe
Anyway yeah I know this is not technically a true full update but yeah I want to post it anyway.    :P

                Idk anymore honestly

Bye, darlings.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2020 ⏰

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