passing through the days

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Chapter Two

George sat in his room trying to make sense of last nights events.

"My soulmate is a man?" He sat in silent for a while, really trying to let the words sink in.
He reflected on the man's appearance. Tall, blonde, toned, very pretty face. His eyes were a bright grassy green, and dirty blonde hair that formed small messy waves slightly covering his face.

George felt a rush of heat come to his cheeks and his palms started to clam up. He felt a fluttering in his tummy that almost made him feel sick. George quickly realised the effect this man was having on him. Why was he suddenly so infatuated by someone he'd met for a split second?

"So am i like, gay or something?"

George tried to shake the question off. He didn't care that he might be gay, it was just so unexpected. He'd never really thought about men in that way before. Until he met the mystery man.
George wanted answers, and he wanted them now. Who is that man? What's his name? Why did he wait so long to show up? Was he even real?
The list of things he had to know went on and on.

George went about his day, questions lingering in his mind. It's pretty disturbing to have a complete stranger on your mind all day. But god, did George long to see him again.
He made a list of the things he needed to ask, and the things he wanted to tell. He was so excited to finally share his nights with someone he knew he would get along with.
They're soulmates after all, right?

10:30PM. George decided he wanted an early night. No faffing around. He had no reason to stay awake anymore. Not with the man waiting for him tonight.
George laid restlessly anticipating his dream. It felt impossible to sleep with so much adrenaline pumping around his body.

"Shot of whiskey or two. Just to calm the nerves."

12AM. George stood in the same terminal as the nights before. He didn't have time to wait around tonight. Tonight he had an agenda.

"Fuck, i don't even know where to start."
George muttered, feeling a bit vulnerable. He didn't even know this man's name.

"Uh,,, Hello?" George shouted, starting to feel the nervousness set in. He started to walk down the same corridor they had first met. Taking his time to really take in his surroundings.
"I um, I'm sorry we didn't get to properly meet last night."
George's said shyly as his voice echoed vividly down the corridor. He marched onward, not wanting to waste what little time he might have.

"Could we maybe, start over? I want to see you properly and not get cut off this time."



George was embarrassed that he had had such high hopes for tonight. He really thought things could start to be different. That his crushing loneliness could be reversed by one stupid, short-lived night.
"I am such an idiot." George sat down accepting defeat before he had even begun. It was killing him to know that whoever was out there for him didn't want to be found.

Hours passed, and George had not moved. Maybe whiskey before bed was not his brightest idea. He felt so numb, like all the feeling in his body and in his mind had just left. Why would fate let him get so close, only to throw him 20 steps further away from his happiness.

tap, tap, tap.

The unmistakable sound of footsteps grew louder and louder with each passing second. The man slowly approached George. No expression to his face, not even a hint of his intentions were shown in his body.
The man stopped right in-front of George, who was now standing up and trying to find the right words to say. He couldn't mess this up, not again.

"I need you to explain to me just who the fuck you are." The man spat out at George. His words filled with anger and venom. His face twisted into a harsh scowl, not taking his eyes off George for a second.

"I'm,, George? I've been waiting here for years. I always thought i was going to be alone in my dreams forever but you're really here andijustimsosorryiwokeupsoquicklyyesterdayandij-" George's nervous rambling was quickly cut short by the man in-front of him.

"No, i mean why the fuck is there a dude in my dreams, and in what world do you think we could even be anything close to soulmates." His expression stayed unchanged, harsh and bitter.

His words dug deep into George's feelings. Why was he so mad? Had George done something? This had to be some kind of mistake. Surely he was confused.

"I don't even know you,,, what makes you think we can't be soulmates. I've waited so long for you to come and-" George let out a sob, he couldn't hold it back any longer. He refused to believe what he was hearing. He spent night after night alone and afraid no one was ever coming for him. Why is it fair this is how he's treated in return?

"I am not fucking gay, so there is no chance that you are my soulmate." The man said slowly, in a low, gravely voice. He let his stare on George linger, piercing his eyes into George's. For a moment his expression softened, seeing the hurt in George's face. He quickly turned away and began to run away into the vast corridor.

"I don't even know your name." George choked out. George needed to know something, anything about the man before him. He was truly defeated. His voice shook and he threatened to break down there and then.

"What's it to you?" The man said swinging himself back around to face George. "Get the fuck out of my sight and don't you ever come back. Don't look for me, don't bring yourself anywhere near me."
His tone now aggressive, and his shouting echoing menacingly down the corridor. And with that the man left, running down the corridor to God knows where.

George was well and truly alone. All the confusion and rage that had been building up from the man's sudden comments was slowly eating away at George. He felt like he was going to cry or scream or both.

"AND WHAT THE FUCK GIVES YOU THE RIGHT TO LEAVE ME ALONE LIKE THIS?" George screamed at the fleeing man with tears streaming down his cheeks. George felt utterly broken. He sobbed harshly into his sleeves. What was the point?

The man was long gone, not even the echos of his footsteps were left for George to hear.

"Thanks a lot dream."


End of Chapter

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