4. First Afternoon!

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Saturday, 9th March, 12:10.
748 kilometres far from Secunderabad Junction Railway Station, in Madhya Pradesh.


The sun was shining brightly in the month of april, making the atmosphere warm. It was the time, when summer would be welcomed officially in the central region of India.

Whilst it was difficult for farmers and labourers to work hard with the scorching sun upon their head, atmosphere was rather cool inside the ac two tier coach of superfast Dakshin Express, as the air conditioner worked properly.

The train was being operated with it's highest speed of sixty eight miles per hour.

Ad'ifaah woke up an hour ago and was sitting beside the window. Continuously looking outside. She was lost in thoughts as always. Train was on full speed, but her thoughts were faster than that. It's said that, mind is the fastest thing in whole world, faster than wind, light and sound waves too. Thoughts have no limitations, one can think everything within a few seconds or can't think anything for days.

Her mind belonged to first category. Even though she doesn't want to think anymore, she couldn't help and control that.

The green stuff though created a bit calm and soothing environment.
The trees standing in a queue beside the railway tracks, were running in the opposite direction and she continued noticing each one of them.

Those trees were reminding her phases of her own life. Some very green and huge trees reminded her of good days of life. Some trees which had fruits or flowers hanging from their branches, reminded her of the beautiful things she has gotten, she felt thankful for those. Few trees had hollows in which the birds were living, it reminded her of the time whenever she found herself helpful to someone else. And there were some dry trees too, reminding the dreadful days of her life.

She turned her head back to see what's happening, when she heard voices of something moving. Her fellow travelers have woken up one by one, after completing necessary amount of slumber.

Raihaan sat upright and looked around the compartment. He found Ad'ifaah sitting silently and observing things, as always. The old couple were busy in their morning chores, in afternoon, whilst the man who looked uninterested was busy with his headphones on, probably watching a movie.

"Good Morning, Mohtarma!" He had wished her morning, in that confidence and sweetness dripping voice of his.

"Good Afternoon!" was what he got in return, with the emphasized 'Afternoon' in her serious voice. As it was really, afternoon. And that should be more than enough from her side. He wanted to argue but then left that thought and corrected his words while chuckling.

Till now, he had become a bit aware of her nature, still mostly unaware. Though one thing he understood, she couldn't tolerate mistakes, not even as tiny as the size of seven words of a letter, 'Morning'. And probably, the mistake made her speak, not his morning wish.

He found another young man occupying the upper berth of other side of the narrow gallery, who probably have arrived there when the train had stopped on some other railway station, while they were asleep.

On the other hand, Ad'ifaah felt frustrated ever since this man has gotten in the train. He had been keeping his eyes on her, with something in those eyes that wasn't even a bit unfamiliar to her. She very well knew that look, which she has been dealing with ever since she came into senses. Nothing new.

And she was well aware of how to teach a good lesson to such perverts, but her current situation didn't allow her. She didn't want to create any commotion and she was glad too that the man joined the train late and she would not have to tolerate him for long.

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