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H E R     P A I N


It all started with a simple game of Ludo. She was playing on her mobile, just for pure fun. Unaware of what was to follow. When she was in middle of the game, her opponent started a chat with her.

He requested her to chat with him. So, she accepted his request and started playing with him, naive that she would regret playing that very game afterwards.

He asked about her whereabouts. And she, seeing no harm, answered them without a doubt.

Their game ended but, their chat didn't. Game after game, they played without a care about the world. By the time they reached their last game, they lost count of how long they had chatted with each other.

It was a day like no-other, for her. Because he, asked her if she would be his girlfriend. She was skeptical, but inside she was bubbling with happiness. The dream of every girl her age, was just an answer away.

But, she thought she needed time, afterall it was a big decision. A possibly life changing one.

So, she told him that. And he, answered with a patient, "OK, I'll wait for your love. After one year I'll call you in the exact same time and ask you the same question. Until then, take care sweetheart. "

And that was the end of their conversation.

The clock was ticking, as the days passed by bringing her closer to the great reveal.


One year later


He called her. And she was shocked! How in Hades did he get her number? That's a fair question to ask. She had almost forgotten about him, but his voice over the phone brought back those fuzzy memories.

She questioned him the obvious, "Where did you get my number? " and he answered her smoothly that he had his resources. And that was downright creepy, still somehow she found it romantic.

Where did he get her number? Who gave him? Why did he want her number? Were all the questions that flooded her fragile mind. But the answer to the last one was obvious...because he wanted to play his game.

She was lucky that her parents weren't home. Or else she would have been caught, and that wouldn't have been lovely.

Her face was flushed, when he asked her the question, which had crossed her mind several times and kept her awake—"Will you be my girlfriend?"

She had planned to play with him for a while by lying to him. But at that very moment, she felt vulnerable and was overcome by shyness.

Taking her silence as a negetive, he started his eloquent speech about his love and helplessness. How her one year of consideration had been a terrible wait for him. How her absence had made him feel like he had lost a piece of himself. How her chats used to keep him happy and hopeful.

And she fell for him and his crafted lies.

She couldn't help but say a overjoyed "Yes!" And that day became her best day ever. She couldn't keep that stupid smile off her face and she dreamt about meeting him someday.

The great revealation on her part was done. But there was a surprise waiting for her. Something which she didn't see coming.


Next day, he called again. But this time he didn't lie. This time he gave her a taste of how bitter truth really was.

He said, "Sweetheart, let me make this clear for you. I never loved you. I already have a girlfriend and I love her. But this was a dare from my sister, that I  had to accept. But when you asked for time, the first time I asked you. My friends already thought I lost, but...yesterday when you said a yes, they said finish this. So....I'm very sorry—"

After the first few registered into her brain, it seemed to have gone on a lockdown. As a defence mechanism, her mind decided to stop understanding and also consequently block her hearing capacity.

The only thing she could hear were the words, I never loved you, as if it was the show her tv could broadcast. Right then she felt like all the signals had suddenly been lost, as she fell down on the floor with a soft thud.

Her soul was swirling of emotions which she had never experienced. She felt a rage, which burned her. She felt a sorrow, that froze her heart. She felt a crack in her frozen heart. She felt heartbroken.

But her wrath overrode her pain.

How could someone even accept a dare that involved breaking some stranger's heart? Thank god, she was strong. Otherwise she would have started crying by then.

She yelled her heart out at him, cursing him, his friends and his sister. She cursed them to hell! She felt invincible. She felt a foreign feeling of satisfaction as he hung up in shame.

But, she didn't know the after-effect of that invincibility. After her fire was out, she felt vulnerable. She felt helpless, as her heart sunk into nothing.

So, she locked herself in the bathroom and cried. Washed her face and walked out like nothing ever happened.

Well in all honesty nothing did happen. But the pain every rejection and lie brought her was enough to leave a scar on her innocence.

Till this day she remembers the day which turned her into the way she is now.

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