Attack on the Tower (Part 1) - The Announcement

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Summary: When an upstart magician decides the best way to get back at Dr. Strange is to attack the Avengers Tower, Peter's class just so happens to be in the middle of a field trip to said building. Damn you, Parker Luck TM.

This will be in multiple parts, though I don't know how many just yet. Enjoy!

Also, in this, Peter has been officially adopted by Tony and Pepper, after the death of his Aunt May (Sorry, May!) and lives at the Avengers Tower. And assume place names have been made up, especially the train station names :)


Let it be remembered that Peter hates Monday mornings. He woke up to his annoyingly cheerful alarm clock beeping and flailed around until his hand connected with the device, promptly shattering it into a million pieces. Peter groaned, that was the fourth time this month, that he had broken his alarm clock by being careless. Slowly, Peter rolled out of bed and began picking up the remains of the (somewhat) innocent piece of technology. He would have to remember to ask Tony about making a more durable alarm clock at some point so that he could stop buying cheap ones from the store, only to break them a week later. Or perhaps he could just get FRIDAY to wake him up. Yeah, that might be a better way to go.

"Hey, FRIDAY?" Peter said, automatically looking up at the ceiling as he spoke to the AI.

"Yes, Mini Stark?" FRIDAY replied sweetly, "How can I assist you this morning?"

"Do you have the ability to set an alarm so that I can stop breaking the store-bought ones?" Peter asked, "I know Dad doesn't mind buying new ones, but it's pretty wasteful, even if I do reuse most of the parts eventually." As he spoke, Peter practically bounced around the room, getting ready for the day. He pulled on his Spiderman suit (minus the mask, which went into his backpack along with his web shooters), then threw on some jeans, a long-sleeved shirt, and a too-big MIT hoodie that he had stolen from Tony over top of it. Peter could swear he heard a hint of humor in the AI's voice as she answered his question.

"Yes, Mini Stark, I can wake you up if you tell me what time you wish for me to do so." FRIDAY replied.

"Sweet!" Peter replied, grabbing his backpack (which he had packed the previous night) and heading for his door, "Be a sweetheart and set an alarm for six am tomorrow morning, would you?"

"Very well, Mini Stark," FRIDAY replied, "An alarm has been set."

"Thanks, FRI!" Peter said as he hurried to the elevator and headed downstairs to breakfast. He was rather surprised to see Tony sitting at the breakfast table, nibbling on a piece of toast, while Steve and Bucky talked quietly about something at the other end of the long table. 

"Morning dad. Morning Uncle Steve, Uncle Bucky," Peter said as he passed by the table, depositing his bag on the back of the chair next to Tony, heading for the kitchen.

"Good morning, Peter!" Steve and Bucky replied in unison.

"G'morning bambino," Tony mumbled, before taking another sip of his coffee. Peter poured himself some cereal, then popped a piece of bread in the toaster before snagging two apples from the fridge and heading to the table. Peter set the bowl of cereal and the apples at his place before returning to the kitchen to retrieve a glass of orange juice, the milk carton, and his toast. Then he returned to the table and wolfed down his breakfast.

"Jeez, kid," Tony said, "You're going to eat me out of house and home!"

"Sorry, 'm just hungry," Peter mumbled, giving a one-shouldered shrug. Tony let a soft smile grace his face and shook his head slightly.

"That's what I get, I guess, letting two super-soldiers and one arachna-kid live with me," Tony replied, reaching out to ruffle Peter's hair. Peter shrieked and ducked away from Tony's hand.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2020 ⏰

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