He's Mine

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It was another typical day for the Teen Titans when another group of villains called 'Bomber Triplets' came and tried to rob a jewelry store. True to their name, the villains were actual living bombs. They would cause explosions everywhere and destroy anything that stand in their way by simply throwing a grenade produced from their bodies.

"It's just three guys but they're such a pain!" Beast boy complains as he attacks one of them as an elephant.

One of the triplets was already caught by Superboy and Wondergirl. He was tied up and his powers were restrained. Damian observed his surroundings, Beast boy and Blue Beetle was attacking one of the two remaining bombers. So where was the other one?

"AHHHHH!!!" Suddenly Damian hears a scream and he looked upwards. There he found the last bomber holding a civilian girl, a teenager who was dressed in a school uniform, as a hostage on the rooftop of a building.

"HAHAHA! If you any of you heroes move, I will blow this girl up with me!" The bomber threatened them.

"PLEASE! HELP ME!" The girl tried to resist the clutches of the villain.

"Shut up girlie!"

Damian touches his communicator, completely calm at the situation. Beast boy and Blue Beatle already defeated the other bomber and restrained him. And now, all he had to do was to save the girl from the last bomber. "Raven, are you ready?"

"Ready." She tells him over the earpiece.

"Let us die together!" The bomber laughs maniacally and then jumps from the building while dragging the girl with him. The two were falling and the girl was screaming for her life.

"Azarath Metrion Zinthos!" A dark ray attacks the bomber and he immediately crashes on the ground unconscious. Raven was in mid-air and her eyes stopped glowing after casting a spell.

Damian whips out his grappling gun, the claw hooks to a pole of the building, lifts him up and he catches the screaming civilian from her impending doom. She grabbed onto him, her arms around his neck and he held her by the hip for support. He settles the them down to the ground slowly, and a flock of reporters crowded them.

"You're safe now." Damian says to the girl and let go of her.

She blushes as she untangles herself from him. She looked at him with a spark in her eyes. "Thank you Robin."

"Hm...you're welcome." He tells her, trying to be polite. His father had reminded him about his attitude as a hero to the people years ago, and he decided to act accordingly after joining the teen titans.

As flashes of light surrounded them and Raven and the other titans immediately comes to him. The reporters were having a field day in taking pictures of the teenage superheroes.

"Robin, Starfire and Nightwing is already back. We should get going." Raven said as she opens a portal.

"Aw man! Why can't we stay any longer?!" Beast boy groans. "We still have to do our interviews!"

"Chill, BB, we have to go." Blue Beatle rolls his eyes at the green boy. He already wanted to go home and rest, it was tough dealing with the bombers. The triplets were insane, and annoying.

Damian looks at his girlfriend and gazed at her amethyst eyes before glancing back to the media behind him. "Alright."


"WHAT?!" Garfield eyes widened as he looked at his social media account. His voice was too loud that it disturbed the rest of the residents of the tower and they all went to the common room to see what was happening.

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