Chapter 1 - This Day Couldn't Get Any Worse

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Mason's POV

I drummed my fingers on my cheek, my chin resting on my palm. I glance at the clock; 3:38. I groan inwardly and roll my eyes to the other side. This day felt like it was going slower and slower by the minute. Normally, Friday's go by in a breeze, but not this one. The teacher was still talking in the front of the class room.

Bla bla bla, just stop talking already.


Yes, 5 more minutes and I'm outta here.

I shove back all my things into my backpack and waited eagerly for the bell to ring. When it did, I was the first to stand up. I threw my backpack onto my shoulder and exited the room into the crowd of people. I headed down the hall to my friend Taylor Dayley's classroom.

Huh, that's weird.

I frown when I noticed she wasn't standing in her normal spot to wait for me. We always walked out of school together. Mainly because I was her ride, but I know Taylor. She would tell me if she had other plans. Then I saw it, the flash of dark brown hair that were dyed at the tips. This is not good.

I push past people as I chase after her down the hall and out the school. I looked to the left and see her hair again as she turned the corner. I skid around the corner and run towards the football bleachers.

Oh no.

There, under the bleachers, was James Hepburn backing Taylor up to one of the metal posts. James wore a smug smirk, his bright blue eyes filled with nothing but trouble. Taylor's feet shifted nervously and she was trying to look anywhere but his eyes. Anger builds in me. No one messes with a friend of mine, especially my best friend.

"Hey!" I called as I stormed angrily towards them.

James and Taylor both look in my direction. Taylor looked relieved while James looked annoyed. He back away from Taylor, still too close to her for my comfort, and crossed his arms.

"Don't you know when someone's uncomfortable?" I asked coldly, adding my touch of my signature death glare.

"Relax, I was just having a little fun." James shrugged, a smirk plastered on his face.

I look at him with disgust. "The only fun you're getting is with my fist."

And with that, my arm pulls back and my hand curls into a fist. Taylor cringes slightly at the thought of me throwing a punch. She wasn't a big fan of fights. My fist was about to make contact with that smug face of his until a strong hand grabbed hold of my wrist.

"There's no need for that, sweetheart." A deep voice spoke.

Oh no, not him.

I turn arround angrily and sure enough Ravenwood High's crowning bad boy, Ryder Black, was smirking down at me. I always seem to bring him and his bad boy crowd humor, given that I'm known as the hot-head in this school. God, I fucking hate these people.

"You're right. Why punch him when I can punch you?" I say in a sickly sweet voice and plastered on a fake smile to my face.

Ryder laughed as well as James. Taylor was now on the verge of an anxiety attack. She looked at me with worried eyes.

"I'd love to see you try." Ryder chuckled, the smirk never seeming to remove itself.

My teeth clench and my fists are so tight that my knuckles start to turn white. He should thank Taylor, because with out her speaking up he would have really gotten it.

"Mason, let's just go. They aren't worth your time. Please.." Taylor looked at me with pleading eyes.

I sighed, "Fine. But this isn't over." I gave James and Ryder one last glare before leading Taylor away from them.

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