Chapter 2 - Fixing Engines and Sneaking into Bedrooms

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Mason's POV

I let out a groan as a slamming front door shakes the house. I try to cover my head with the covers to fall back to sleep, but my parents fight woke me up to the point where it's impossible to fall into sleep again. I hauled myself up and pulled my curtain back a little, looking out the window.

My mother was getting into her car with an angry expression. She must be going to a crime scene or something, she normally doesn't go this early. My mom, she's a medical examiner. And my dad, well, you could say he's a business man. As my mom drove off down the road, my dad stormed back inside.

Oh great....

Normally my dad is the one storming off. But this is one of those rare occasions that he actually stays home. I hear him coming up the steps. I toss myself onto my bed and throw the covers over my body. I close my eyes.

If he thinks I'm sleeping then he won't bother me.

I heard my door knob twist open and his heavy boots thud against the floor. I breath heavily to add to the 'still asleep' look. I felt the bed dip beside me as he took a seat on the bed.

Wait what? Whoa whoa whoa, back it up.

My dad never does this. Ever. Not even when I was little.

So who the hell is sitting next to me?

I hear the person chuckle lightly and I could practically feel the smirk sent my way. The laughing continued as the covers were pulled off of me. The cold rush had my eyes wide open. There, laughing his ass off, was Ryder.

How he got in my house? No idea.

I immediately sit up and pull some covers over my lap. Ryder's laughing stopped and is soon leaning against my wall. I just stare at him in disbelief.

"You look cute with just a t-shirt on, maybe even cuter if it was mine" He said with a wink.

I was too confused to take his flirtatious comments. "How-"

"I was parked across the street. I watched the whole fight unfold. Your dad left the door unlocked so I let myself in. He was in his office yelling into his phone, so it was easy to slip past him." Ryder shrugged, cutting me off.

"How'd you know this was my room?" I shot him another question.

"I saw you look out the window." He shrugged again, the smirk creeping back on his lips.

"Okay then..." My voice trails off as another question comes to mind. "What the hell are you doing here anyways?"

Ryder chuckled and pushed himself off the wall. "Don't you remember?"

I shook my head slightly, but memories of last night came back and I soon realized why he was here. He was taking me back to my car.

"You know, I could've called Taylor. She could've given me a lift there." I sighed, pushing myself off the bed and walking over to my closet.

"I doubt she would remember what bar it was." I hear Ryder's voice move and then my bed creak.

I rolled my eyes and pulled out a pair of black ripped jeans. I easily slipped them on and tucked in my shirt since it was a size or two over my normal size. I added my black studded belt and now I was ready to kick the day's ass. I tied my dark dyed red hair messily in a bun as I turn back around to see the bad boy lounging across my bed.

"You're ready?" He asked with a hint of surprise, turning his head towards me.

I nodded and sent him a grin. Guessing he's never seen a girl get ready that fast. Ryder sat up and got off my bed. He then let himself out of my room and out in the hall. I followed him slowly, still kinda drowsy from my awakening.

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