What have I done?

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Chemistry, the only time I had a class with Marcus. How could he sit there like nothing had just happened? He had made a tree branch fall and then re-attached it! It was pretty clear that he was like Akihiko, Amy and I. Better yet, Riley was one of us too! Only ten more minutes. Ten more minutes and I'll be able to catch Marcus before he gets to the hall! How could they sit there and listen to Mr. Cook talk like that for so long? His voice is so monotone that it's a struggle for be to stay awake. Just a few seconds won't hurt, right? DING DING DING! Shit, I slept too long. Where was Marcus? Damnit, sleep is my greatest weakness, I swear! I grabbed my bag from the floor and spun round to go out the door in the back of the Chemistry lab. "Eiichi, Wait up will 'ya?" Thank you! Marcus hadn't left yet. But why was he telling me to wait? Shouldn't that have been the other way around? "Oh, hey Marcus. I actually wanted to talk to you." Sadly, It didn't look like Marcus was about to ask for the chemistry homework that I was sure to miss. His smile instantly faded as soon as Mr. Cook left the room to monitor the halls. "Listen, Eiichi, I know you saw what happened earlier in the courtyard." The look on my face must have been enough evidence for him seeing as how he continued after a quick pause. "Riley knows all about your small group. How you and your brother are like us. He knows about Amy too, but he knew about you two first." So I guess all that time he spent on the wall watching everyone wasn't a complete waste. 

"So, you know about us. What does that have to do with anything?" I'm not really good at lying and Marcus was having none of that. "Yeah, like you didn't want to talk to me about how you saw Riley and I in the courtyard today. You should really work on your lying Eiichi." I really hate it when people call me out on my lies. At least Amy lets me get away with lying if it isn't too serious. "Ok, you got me. So why was it so important that you come talk to me?" Marcus somewhat relaxed after that. "Well, Riley and I were talking about it and we would like to meet with you after school. We have something to talk about. Tell Akihiko and Amy to come too. We need ALL of you there, got it?" Well, It doesn't seem like I could refuse this offer considering I had no clue how Marcus would handle it. I have no clue how strong his really is, I'd rather not risk it. "Sure. We'll be there around Three Thirty." Without an answer he turned and walked through the door. "Babe, come on! We only have one more class before the end of the day!" What was I gonna tell Amy? "Amy we have to stay after school today for a little bit because Marcus and Riley want you, me, and Akihiko to talk to them about something!" Well, that's one way to do it. She gave me the cutest smile I'd ever seen. "and what did you say?" She asked as she put her arm around mine. "Well, I said that we would meet up with them at around three thi-" Before I could finish my sentence I realized the mistake I had just made. "Oh yeah? That seems nice Eiichi." I could feel a sharp pain in my side. "I love how you're making new friends, dear." How was this possible? Why did I have to agree to this meeting today? My whole right side was going numb. "And how long will this little meeting take?" How was this woman so strong? "Oww, Babe ok. I know this looks bad but trust me! I had a good reason!" She was having none of it. Before I could utter another word she had my arm behind my back ready to snap it like a twig. "Next time, Eiichi, don't forget my little brother's birthday party!" With that she stormed off through the door and walked herself to her next class. I'm not really sure who's scarrier, Marcus or Amy.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2012 ⏰

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