Friends? (Ep. 1-3)

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    September 3, 2019 (Ep. 1)
    Seb took a deep breath as he stepped into the doors of East High School for his Sophomore Year. The loud chatters of voices and blasts of freezing air-conditioned air hit him as he walked down the hallway. It was a totally different atmosphere than that of his hot, lazy summer on his family's Utah farm. A huge whiteboard stood at the junction to the athletic wing, pointing students to the gym for the mandatory start of the year assembly. Normally, Seb would have dreaded this, but he was really excited to find out what this year's musical was because he had had a lot of fun in the ensemble of Brigadoon last year. He had found an unexpected voice last year through theater. Now that he was a sophomore, he had promised himself he wouldn't be as afraid to be bold.
    The assembly was just starting as Seb slipped in. He had almost been late for the first day of school because he had so much to do around the farm in the mornings. He couldn't help but yawn as Principal Guitterez droned on about attendance and baseball hats.
    Finally, he looked over at a youngish red-head lady sitting in the front row. "And now for a special introduction," Seb's ears perked up. "This year, East High has a new drama teacher with an announcement she swore in writing would not cost too much money." She got up and slowly made her way to the podium. The gym was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. She was followed by Carlos, the school's resident High School Musical historian. Seb's heart skipped a beat. He had wanted to talk to Carlos all last year in their freshman English class, but had always been too shy. That would hopefully change today.
    "Hold your applause," the new drama teacher requested. To Seb's shock she pulled out a t-shirt launcher from beneath the podium and shot out a t-shirt into the crowd. "Go Wildcats!" she shouted. At least she was enthusiastic. She grabbed the microphone and stepped away from the podium, creating a bunch of fuzzy feedback. Seb winced a little. "My name is Miss Jenn," she said, "and when I heard that the high school where High School Musical was shot had never staged a production of High School Musical the Musical, I was shocked as an actress, inspired as a director, and triggered as a millennial." There were sniggers throughout the crowd at that, but Seb only felt excitement. He had practiced the songs and dances to HSM relentlessly in his family's barn since he could walk. This show meant everything to him.
    "Auditions are tomorrow after school," Miss Jenn continued. "This show could change your lives." Seb supposed that was true. "And I'm saying this as a background dancer from the original movie. Third from the left, back row, red headband." Seb was shocked at this. He'd have to look for her closely next time he watched! She went to continue but Carlos came up beside her and she cut herself off, linking her arms with his. Seb noticed that he was wearing a new olive green jacket.
    "Oh! And meet your new student choreographer, Carlos. You know him as captain of the color guard." Carlos blushed and Seb smiled. He didn't know Carlos had been on color guard, or that he was a dancer for that matter. This meant that he would get to work with Carlos if he got in the show! "I know him as an unpaid rising star," Miss Jenn finished. Confusion muddled Carlos's face and Seb couldn't help but giggle. The bell rang loudly, breaking the moment, but it couldn't erase the grin on his face as he followed the crush of students to his first-period class.
    Seb barely registered anything all morning. He was too consumed with thinking about the show and auditions the next day. He had a question burning within him and he finally got the chance to ask coming out of third-period choir to lunch. He saw a familiar dark head of hair in the crowd in front of him, and he rushed to catch up.
    "Carlos!" he said, tapping the boy's shoulder. Carlos whipped around, a look of shock on his face. It slowly lifted into a smile.
    "Hey, Seb, right?" he asked, quirking his eyebrow. Seb's chest pounded.
    "You know my name?" He asked timidly, and Carlos laughed kindly.
    "Of course! You were the only one in English class last year who didn't laugh at my presentation on Shakespeare." His face looked sad at that. Seb's heart hurt a little to remember it. He didn't understand why Carlos didn't have any friends. He was such a funny and genuine guy.
    "I remember that," Seb said gently. "I thought it was really cool!" Carlos looked skeptical at first but seemed to realize that the gleam in Seb's eye wasn't mocking.
    "Thanks Seb, that's really sweet." The two boys smiled as they continued down the rapidly emptying halls. It would soon be just the two of them standing there. Both boys felt the pressure to end the conversation soon, although both were enjoying it more than they expected.
    Carlos stopped in his tracks, realizing something. "Hey, are you auditioning tomorrow?" Seb nodded.
    "That's what I came to you to talk about, actually. I have a crazy idea. If I tell you, do you promise you won't laugh at me?"
    Carlos looked shocked at this. He looked so genuine when he said, "I think we've established that I owe you that."
    "Well, I was thinking that maybe I could audition for Sharpay? If not I could just try for Ryan, its probably stupid anyways, I just-" He could feel himself starting to sink down against the lockers.
    Carlos cut him off, placing a hand on his shoulder. "I think that's an amazing idea!" His big brown eyes lit up.
    "Really?" Seb asked. He wasn't sure what he was expecting, but he sure didn't expect that much enthusiasm.
    "Of course!" Carlos smiled. Just then, the bell clanged, signaling the start of the lunch period. Looking around and realizing they were alone, Carlos quickly took his arm from Seb's shoulder. An awkward pause grew in the space between the boys.
    "Well, I really gotta go, but I'm excited to see your audition!" Carlos said. Seb smiled as he walked away, placing his hand where Carlos had touched his shoulder.

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