The threat i felt when the dark cloud washed over me like the poor pressured shower water. Trickling down my body, consuming all that was once free from the wet and cold. I felt as though my thoughts were scrambled and in that moment I felt I was to protect myself. But, in fear, I ran into my mothers arms to find peace. Her gentle, soft touch sent me back to infancy, I was guarded by her battle wounded arms, cowering close to her breast that I relied on so heavily for nutrients and strength. My mother was my home, not a house built on stilts and fancy stair cases with perfect windows but instead and warm, forever selfless guardian and with her cradling me in her arms I felt as if I didn't have to fight anymore. The obligation to protect myself faded away. The dark cloud washed over me but I felt sanctuary. I always felt darkness was close but whenever I closed me eyes, how is this any different?..