I Can Make You Feel Better

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Mordecai POV:
I burst through the door holding Rigby over my shoulder like a baby. "Hey, is everything alright?" Pops asked from the living room. "Things didn't go so well at Rigby's house." I said, my voice was frantic. "Oh dear..." Pops responded as I took Rigby upstairs and into the bathroom. I sat him down on the counter then ran the sink until the water was hot. I soaked a washcloth in it and wiped the blood from his nose. I tilted his chin up to make sure I got most of it off, then rinsed off the blood. Then I started to gently pat the washcloth on a cut on his lip, "did Sherm hit your lip?" I asked, "no...I think it got there when he threw me to the floor." He responded, his chin starting to quiver. "Ohhh shit" I whispered, "Rigby, don't cry. It's okay, I'm here." I said, putting a hand on his cheek. I pulled him in for a hug and stood there for a while until he was done.

After Rigby finished crying, I finished cleaning up the blood. "There...all better." I said, ringing out the washcloth and putting it in the laundry basket. "Yeah but it hurts like hell." He responded. "Well it doesn't seem broken, but there'll be a bruise on it for a while." I said, "same for your black eye." I continued, grinning awkwardly. "I know...can we go to bed now?" Rigby asked with a weak voice. I nodded and carried him into the bedroom. I changed into a baggy shirt and boxers. Rigby took off his pants and put boxers on. I took his sweatshirt off for him, and handed him one of my hoodies. I watched him slowly put it on, just barely covering his thighs. We got into bed together and I wrapped my arms around him and kissed his forehead. "I'm sorry about today. Well...I know it's not my fault that your dad acts this way but you know I just-" Rigby cut me off, "please stop talking." He said. His voice was shaky, "okay...sorry." I whispered. I shut off the light and we laid there in silence, "goodnight Mordecai." Rigby said suddenly. "Goodnight Rigby...I love you." I said, "I love you too." Rigby responded. Right moved closer into my body and put his hand on my forearm, squeezing it lightly. We both eventually fell asleep.

Rigby POV:
I woke up and looked at the clock. It was 2:00 in the morning, and raining. I turned to look and saw Mordecai sleeping peacefully. I sat up in bed and watched him for a few minutes before getting up and heading to the bathroom. I stood there in the mirror, staring at myself, disappointed at my injuries on my face. I touched the bruise on my eye, feeling how sore it was. I felt the bruise going across my nose, and the cut on my lip. My hands fell to my sides, and suddenly I felt the urge to cry. I stopped myself before any tears could run down my face, and went downstairs to grab a snack. I got out a pack of Oreos and a cup of milk. I dipped a few Oreos and started humming Slow Dancing in the Dark by Joji. I eventually started singing, getting louder and louder as I got to the chorus. I was so distracted by my cookies and singing that I didn't notice Mordecai was standing in the doorway watching and listening. When I saw him, I got frightened and felt embarrassed, "AHH! Jesus, Mordecai..." I complained, "haha...remember the last time you said those words?" Mordecai responded, winking. "Shut up, dumb ass." I scoffed. Mordecai chuckled, sitting down across from me and taking a cookie, "so what are you doing down here anyway?" He asked, "I couldn't fall asleep so I thought a snack would help." I responded, taking another bite. Mordecai nodded, "did singing help too?" He asked again. I rolled my eyes at him, "hey...you actually sounded really good so I wouldn't waste your time acting embarrassed about it." He said back, "I'm allowed to feel how I want." I responded a bit mad, "I'm just saying." Mordecai took another cookie and we ate in silence. After a while, I put the cookies away and finished my milk, then we both went upstairs. We brushed our teeth then got into bed. Mordecai pulled me close to his chest and put the blanket over us, "I love you, Rigby...sweet dreams." Mordecai said, kissing my forehead. "I love you too, Mordecai. Goodnight." I said back to him. Eventually, my eyes began to feel heavy, and I fell back asleep in Mordecai's arms.

Mordecai POV:
I woke up with the sun shining on my face, and Rigby with his face buried in my chest. I watched him lift up his face, and I could hear his soft breathy snoring. He was so cute in his sleep, I could watch this all day. But I knew he had to wake up so we could go to work. The alarm went off, and I pressed the button to make it stop. Rigby stopped snoring, and rubbed his eyes. "Morning sleepyhead." I greeted him, smiling. Rigby groaned, rolling over onto the floor, taking the blanket with him. I looked over the edge to see him covering himself with the blanket. "Come on, we need to get ready for work." I said standing up, "screw work!" His voice muffled. I picked him up and tossed him on the bed, the blanket unwrapped itself from his body. He gave me an irritated look, but it quickly changed to a mix of surprised and scared when I got on top of him and pinned his hands above his head, "Rigby...we have to get ready, or else you'll be in trouble." I threatened him with a deep tone of voice. Rigby's eyes were wide and scared, but his eyebrows quickly furrowed, "whatever, I'm not scared." He lied, shoving me off of him. We got dressed into some old work clothes and went downstairs. "Hey, lets go down to the Cafe." I told Rigby, putting on my shoes. "Okay." He responded. He sat down to put his shoes on, then we both got up and got in the cart.

Rigby and I walked into the coffee shop and sat down at our usual spot. A few minutes later, we were greeted by Margaret, "hey boys, the usual?" She asks, "yep, you know it!" Rigby said, "but can I also get a donut with that?" He asked, "sure, I'll bring that out for you shortly." Margaret said, walking away to get our coffees. Rigby peered over my shoulder, looking at Eileen who was giving us a major dirty look without even looking away. "What's she mad about?" Rigby whispered to me. "I don't know man." I whispered back, "I broke up with her like 5 months ago, there's no way she could still be that hurt." He whispered again. "Yeah but...sometimes you never know with her." I told Rigby looking away. Margaret appeared in front of us with our coffee and Rigby's donut, "thanks Margaret." Rigby said, immediately taking a bite from his donut. "Do you guys mind if I sit with you for a while? As you can see it's not too busy at the moment so I'm kind of bored." She chuckled, "of course, sit down." I offered. She sat down in the seat across from us. "Has Eileen been staring at you?" She asked quietly. Rigby and I nodded, "what's going on with her?" Rigby asked, "well...we found out about you two being in a relationship and all, and I'm happy for you, but I think that's what Eileen is mad about. Something about how Rigby lied when he broke up with her." Margaret said. "What the hell? All I told her was that I felt like we should see other people and that I didn't feel right in our relationship. That's not really a lie. And she knew I was bisexual anyway." Rigby said, "yeah, I know. Maybe she's just trying to spin the story around to make you look bad or something." Margaret said, "anyway, how have you guys been?" She asked, "we've been okay. Things were a little rough the other night but I'm not too concerned about it anymore." I responded, "well that's good...but...do you mind if I ask what happened? I noticed Rigby's bruises and the cut on his lip." She asked, trying to be mindful of Rigby's feelings. "Oh...things got kind of ugly when I came out to my parents...my dad...he uh...didn't like it, clearly." Rigby uttered. Margaret gasped, "I'm so sorry that happened. Hopefully he'll come around." She said trying to be positive. Rigby gave her an awkward grin and nodded, taking a sip from his coffee. Margaret kept talking with us until we finished our food.

Rigby POV:
I felt a little awkward, sitting silently while Mordecai and Margaret had a conversation about a new movie that's coming to theaters soon. I quickly finished my coffee just so we could get out of there faster. We said goodbye to Margaret and left the shop. We got into the golf cart and headed back to the house. I played some music as we drove. Mordecai and I sat down just in time for the morning meeting, "alright, so today is just a normal day of work guys. Mordecai and Rigby, rake the leaves and do the dishes..." Benson rambled on of what chores we all had to do. Mordecai and I got up after Benson finished and we started with doing the dishes.

A few hours have gone by, and it was getting late. Mordecai and I just had 2 more bags to fill with leaves then we were done for the evening. We finished up raking the leaves, and I went to go put the rakes back while Mordecai threw away the bags of leaves. We went inside and headed to our bedroom. I locked the door and laid down on the bed and watched Mordecai take off his shirt, "Mordecai...I don't feel good." I said, trying to get his attention. He knew it too from the obvious tone of voice I used, "oh yeah?" He went along with it, "I need you to make me feel better." I said. Mordecai threw his shirt on the ground and walked over to the bed, getting on top of me, "do you now..." he said, taking off his belt and using it to tie my hands above my head. "I can make you feel better, but now you have to do everything I say."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2020 ⏰

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