第七話 | 1年A組

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3rd p. o. v.

"I-Izuku, you didn't tell me we had to take the train to U.A..." Hanako stuttered, feeling nauseous just by looking at the vehicle in front of her.

Izuku rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.

"Oh, right, sorry...I didn't want to tell you because I had a feeling you would react this way," he apologized.

"Ahaha, well then, guess I'll just walk-"

"Hanako-chan you can't! We're gonna be late if we do!" He argued back, not wanting the girl to leave him.

"Maybe you will, but I can guarantee you I'll be there faster if I walk."

"But, what if someone saw you?! Or if you come across a villain? Plus you should save your energy for your exam! You never know what might happen!" Izuku knew that his arguments were pointless, but he really didn't want to be separated from his otherworldly friend. Lately, anytime he thought about the girl being away from him, it left an unsettling feeling in the pit of his stomach.

Hanako sighed. "Fine. But do me a favor and knock me out first."

"What?! No! I can't do that to you!"

The train doors opened, signaling for the two to get on.

Immediately regretting her decision, Hanako tried to run away, only for Izuku to catch her arm, struggling to drag the girl onto the train.

His efforts were not in vain as the second Hanako had stepped foot onto the vehicle, she immediately became incapable of walking, her legs turning into jelly and giving out from underneath her.

"Hey, are you alright?!" Izuku knew she was afraid of transportation, but he honestly didn't think it was this bad.

With a green face, the girl managed to spit out a few words.

"Just...fine..." And then she proceeded to try her best not to empty the contents of her stomach all over the place.


1st p. o. v.

A few agonizing hours later, Izuku and I arrived at the prestigious U.A high.

"Made it just in time..." Izuku panted, as he had been running in order to not be late for his exam. I, however, had nothing to worry about considering I wouldn't be partaking in the exam with him.

"I may have swallowed the hair but I don't feel like anything great has happened to me yet," he said, his words muffled by the hand covering his mouth.

"Stupid Deku," a voice scoffed behind us.

Of course, it was none other than Bakugou.


"Get out of my way now before I set you on fire!" He threatened.

"You can't just walk around us?" I mumbled.

"Of course not you idiot that would ruin the whole thing!!"

"Ruin what?"

"NOTHING!" And with that he stomped off.

Izuku sighed with relief as Bakugou left us alone. He seemed to be having an inner moment as he wildly shook his head before standing back up straight. He began to take slow steps before I saw him trip over his own feet.

Just as I was about to catch him though, a girl beat me to it.

"Are you okay?" The brown haired girl asked with a slight chuckle, watching as Izuku struggled as he was now floating slightly above ground.

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