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10:34- February 9th, 2015, Tappahannok, Virginia


I've been spending allot of time home, home with my mom. Because I couldn't bare that Christopher's been in the hospital fighting for his life over a dumbass fight. Joann was also in the car, but she only broke her collar bone. I wondered why she was there in the first place. I never really thought much of it, since Christopher and Joann were never close.

"Louie, c'mon sweetie it's time to come out the room!" I heard my mom's voice say.

I've been locked up in the room for a few days, eating nothing but takeout. I barely move unless I'm going to visit Christopher. I heard her banging against my door again. But I drowned it out with a memory of Christopher and I back in 2006.

"What do you think will happen when we get older? Will we still be together?" I asked Christopher as we sat on the roof of the old dance studio in Tappahannok.

It was about eleven something, and he was visiting. He snuck us out to get away for a while. Now I'm in his warm embrace under the moonlight, watching our city. Which was more woods than city. He kissed my forehead, turning my attention to him.

"I plan to Lou Lou, you're the only thing I want. We're gonna be like what MJ and Diana Ross could've been. You singing, dancing, acting, & me doing the same. Together."

I looked him in the eyes, and he stared in mines.

"I think that sounds marvelous."

He kissed my nose, and I laughed. Christopher linked his fingers in mine.

"You know I have to leave in the morning?" He questioned.

"Please don't leave, we didn't even get to do what we said we wer-"

"I'll be with you, always baby girl. In here." He ran his thumb over where my heart was.


Such distant memories. Things I could never get back. I was so deep in thought I didn't even see my own sister sitting on my bed. How the fuck did she get in my room?

"You forget I have the key." She laughed out awkwardly.

"I guess I said that aloud, but hey Sabrina. What brings you here?"

She looked at me sideways. Then tried to take her fingers through my knotted hair.

"Ow! What the fu-"

"I need to tell you something important. And I need to know I have you're undivided attention. Okay?"


She sighed, looking my way. I rubbed her back, letting her know it's okay. Whatever it is, it's fine.

"Back in 2004, I know there was a big whoop about your 'big break'. & honestly I couldn't help but to be happy but jealous at the same time. Turns out I wasn't the only one, Joann. Yeah your best friend. She was the most jealous of you. So jealous of you she was the main culprit in the reason why you didn't make it out. Her, Trent and I. Yes Trent. He was jealous of Christopher. Because he had you. Joann was jealous because you had him. And I was just plain jealous of you in general. Either way. We, well mostly her although Trent and I did take part in it, came up with a plan to ruin something for you. Why? We were jealous. Yeah, Chris stealing your audition shit? Bullshit, we set that up. It's all been a set up Louie. Chris never did shit to you. He never did. We wanted you to believe it, so you could-"

I never punched something let alone someone so hard in my life. Immediately, I knocked her out. All the false information she's told me eight years ago. My emotions were everywhere. I felt hurt, betrayed, angry, sad. Just a bundle of bad emotions. I didn't know what I was doing. I didn't even know what I was doing when I stormed out the house looking as atrocious as I did. Shit I didn't know what I was doing when I walked straight into Joann's without knocking and busted into her room.

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