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U come out from hiding and point the gun at Jenna
U " let go of my daughters or I will fucking head shoot u"
Jenna " oh really Yh before u do that I will slit open ur daughters throat"
u just were tired of this bullshit and u pull the trigger and boom head shoot or course u don't want to miss around with the demonios 😈 then after u untied ur daughters and. U went upstairs to were everyone was at and said which a grin in ur face.
U " were any of u guys close with Jenna cause u might wanna say ur goodbyes umm forever ♾"
Mattia " what did u do"
U " u wanna see follow me"
U left and everyone was following u and u led them to her dead body.
U " here she is"
Mattia " why?"
U " because she tried to kill my daughters and she didn't listen to me and I keep my promises"
U " guards can u get rid of this body please thanks"
Guard " no problem Ms. Diabla"
U " I told u Ms.B would do but ok"
And with that u went upstairs and u had a secret that was about to be uncovered.

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