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"Wei Wuxian"

"Go to Hell !"

LanWangJi wakes up with a gasp, cold sweat run down from his forehead as he looked ahead with wide eyes, and heart beating like it would jump out of his chest. He looked around and saw Wei Wuxian lying beside him. The sight of Wei Ying, lessen his worry a bit. With shaking hands he touches Wei Ying's neck, feeling the rhythm of his pulse, he counted one, two, three, four, five.... when the steady pulse didn't slow down after a minute he relaxed further.

'What happened?' he thought, trying to analyze the situation. After gaining proper control of his senses he looked around for danger.

It was familiar, too familiar and how could it not be. It was his home cloud Reassess, the one standing tall and proud before the Wensattacked them.

LanWangJi thought he was dreaming, how could it be possible. How could they be back? It was then flashes of memory assaulted his mind causing sharp pain. He hissed holding his head and closing his eyes to shake off the feeling. Taking a few breaths he was able to calm himself.

He didn't know how it was possible, but somehow they are back in the past. Back in their teen bodies, back before the Wen begin their region of terror. Back to when he and Wei Wuxian meet for the first time if the fallen jar of emperor's smiles is any indication.

LanWangJi looked at the man beside him. And promised himself, that this time he would do better, that this time he would be more honest with Wei Ying. That this time he would not force him and will follow him to the end of the road. If he was really back in the past then he would do any and everything to keep Wei Ying safe.

He was busy looking at Wei Ying when a sudden thought flashes across his mind.

'Whatif Wei Ying doesn't remember? What if only he remembers what happened. What if..' before he could finish that thought a soft"Lan Zhan" stopped him.

"WeiYing" he called out gently shaking him up. "Lan Zhan" Wei Yingreplied and opened his eyes "m-my head hurts" he whined.

The toll of the bell, remind Lan Zhan that they have forty-five minutes before they should return to their respected room. Half an hour before the guards came to patrol.

"LanZhan, What happened?" Wei Ying asks slowly sitting up, he looks around eyes still slightly unfocused. "Why does it look like could reassess? Lan Zhan, where are we?" he said and all of a sudden his eyes widened and he gasps.

"N-NOno no no no i-it cou-could not be possible," he says and touches his torso. "it can't be, it can't be, it can't be" he chanted and then looked around as if trying to find something. Once he found his sword he unsheathed it and gasps.

"It's back, It's back," he said looking down at his body. Then he looks at Lan WangJi who was looking at him with something like curiosity and confusion on his face.

Wei Wuxian looks at Lan WangJi to see if he remembers anything or not. His worry is led to rest when he says "WeiYing"



"LanZhan, you – I – where are we" He doesn't how to speak, he doesn't know how to explain.

"Cloud Reassesses"

Wei Wuxian knew that this was cloud reassesses but this was the cloudReassesses of before everything started.

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