536 24 374

We know that each everyone of you are excited for this and we also. To those participant who didn't publish their work but they comment an entry, please don't forget to publish it as soon as possible. Time is gold

Our judges are now super impressed by your works, they didn't expect that A'TIN can be more talented in writing.

If you get a comment as "Accepted💙" then your book is accepted and if it's not added in our reading list, then tell us to add. We are humans mistakes happen

So do a check there.

If you follow us, get your book accepted then unfollow us. We will automatically reject your book. We conduct an award with hard work and passion. Just you A'TIN💙

So respect us.

Prizes are decided. We will be giving you guys covers, an interview, a batch and manh more things. Just be patient.

Don't forget to enjoy yourself, because  see y'all enjoy it do warm our hearts.

Let's do a fast talk
To make yourself comfortable
To us

Book or wattpad

Fanboy or SB19 members

Water or juice

Hotdog or corn

Tall or short

Writer or reader

Kpop or Ppop

Dance or sing

Your name

Your grade

Your birthday

Fav. Music of SB19


"Unleash your creativity through Wattpad"

Awarding for SB19 Wattpad Writers🏆 Where stories live. Discover now