7 ᠁ When My Friends Leave Me Out

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📌ᴘɪɴɴᴇᴅ 📌


📌ᴘɪɴɴᴇᴅ 📌

alice is a mary sue i can't stand her

- arilo.keys

being caught up with the latest movies? more like being broke

- hhxni

we all know kevin deserves the throne sis

- qweenof.ceo


"God, Vance isn't even waking up for ramen," Wanwan wrapped the noodles around her chopstick.

"She says she's tired," M lightly argued. 

And Wanwan had a perfectly reasonable argument for that, "That's because she goes to bed late but wakes up early. She should go to bed late and wake up late like me!"

A boy she's literally never talked to sat down at the edge of their lunch table. Alucard, whom she learned of from bits of sources.


"Who the fuck?"

There was a smile twirling on his lips, "That friend of yours... Lesley, was it?" 

Wanwan flicked her eyes to M, who met them, "Her?"

Alucard glanced at M then shook his head, "No, no. The magenta hair one. Heard she's rich."

"Lesley Vance. What about her?"

He pushes his hair back, "So... does she have a boyfriend?"

"No, but..." then crossed her chopsticks to form an 'x', "You're not her type."

"How do you know that?" He argued, "I'm going to ask for her number myself. See you."

Wanwan shook her head, knowing exactly how his encounter is going to turn out. 

"Who's that?"

"He's in the same tuition center as us."

"For English?"

Wanwan nodded, "He's seen her once and is already madly in love. Her popularity follows her everywhere."

"Right, Lesley is pretty."


It is 5 pm and I am finally able to tick off 'summarise homeostasis key concepts'. And with that all my tasks for today are finished. Taking a day off for myself wouldn't hurt. 

Lesley enters and puts a bottle of coffee on her desk. 

"Thanks," I smile, "I'll need it for today."

"Mhm," She smiles back.

"Did you go alone? You should've told me, I would've come with you."

"I went with Wanwan."


In this world, there are odd and even numbers. 

"Hey," Lesley interrupts my thoughts, "Is it difficult preparing for art school?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2020 ⏰

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