Love Lessons (Laurent Koscielny)

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Paris suddenly came back to him as he stepped into the small café. It was designed to look like the city; you could smell it's familiar scent, hear the unique sounds echoing through, and it even looked like it with the beautifully painted Eiffel Tower.

There she sat at the corner of the café, deep into thought as she was scribbling some notes to a notepad. The café was crowded with people (it was a Saturday morning), and there were countless of women there, but his eyes focused at her and only her.

Laurent sat down at her small, lonely table. "Can I sit here?"

Her eyes shot up from the pieces of paper she seemed passionately fascinated about. "Sure, sure..."

"Thanks. are you?" 

"I'm fine. And I know what you're asking for–my name's Aaliyah. And I'm British." She flipped her hair over and shook his hand; she wasn't aware she was talking to Laurent Koscielny, she thought he was in France or whatever, why he would be in London? However, she did know he looked a lot like her idol (well, of course he'd look like himself).

The footballer looked relieved that she didn't want to swarm over him like all the fans did when they saw him. "Hi, Alissa. I'm Laurent."

"Aaliyah." She corrected.


"No, Aaliyah."

He tried copying her, rolling his tongue at the accented parts. "Aa-li-yah. Is that right?"

"Took you long enough. Right, what's a Frenchman like you doing in London?"

"Nothin'." Laurent whistled innocently, staring into the blue sky. Him moving to Arsenal had to be a secret, until he officially moved. Lorient had fully agreed and supported him with his decision–he was a talented defender, and any sane person would prefer a top class team over a newly promoted Ligue 1 side.

This was a huge decision for him, soon to become an important milestone in his life. Football was all he dreamed of, but not normal football. It had to be a legendary team, one with history–and Arsenal surely were the right club for it.

Aaliyah, oh the other hand, was fresh out of college and dreamed of being a writer, so she was writing a new story there in the French café for inspiration. She was a die hard football fan in her free time though, so there was no bloody way she couldn't have heard of Lorient's Laurent Koscielny.

She simply raised her eyebrows. There was clearly something he was hiding, but she couldn't put a finger to it. New goal: find out what the Frenchman could possibly keep hidden.

"Okay, let's move on with it. Want some tea?" She pushed him over a cup of tea and some cookies, then resumed writing her new book. Her publisher wanted a rough draft in a month; she had all parts but the romantic ones written down (that's what happens when you have no love experience, my dear). It was as if her mind got blank thinking about that 'majestic' feeling–she didn't care about it, unless if you counted food and FIFA and writing.

"What are you writing there?" Laurent asked questioningly.

"This new book."

"Can I read it?"

"Here," and she handed Laurent the manuscript.

The footballers scanned across the text, and carefully read every word. You may think footballers disliked reading, but Laurent enjoyed it loads. "Why is there a blank space when Kylie and Darien meet?"

"I....I don't like writing about romance. It's not my groove, you know?"

" seriously don't know about love, Madame Aaliyah?"

She stuck her tongue out in disgust. "What do you know about it then, Monsieur Laurent?"

"I've dated tons of girls before." And that was totally true. Laurent had dated thousands, if not millions of girls. He wasn't exactly a bad boy, or a player, he was just charming.

He fell easily with girls; all they had to do was catch his eye and bam, they'd be in a relationship with Mr. Footballer. If you were going to ask how it felt like being in love, Laurent was an expert.

"What are you suggesting, Laurent?" she giggled, but she clearly knew what he was talking about.

Laurent smiled, replying, "I'm going to show you what's it's like to be in love. Two weeks max. You'll see."


"Thank you so much Laurent, I got the book done!" Aaliyah exclaimed happily while hugging Laurent.

Laurent had taken Aaliyah on 'dates'-well, not exactly dates, they were more like lessons to be honest. He showed her that sacred feeling, to experience that almighty feeling. The twinkle in that person's eyes when they see their true love. How the world became muted once you fell in love with the one. How everything became better.

"First, Person A sees Person B. They're attracted to each other, so they flirt. Then they confess, and if they're lucky they end up together." Laurent explained.

Aaliyah just started understanding the concept of love itself. She knew what it was like, and she kind of fell for her 'teacher'. Hard.

Laurent, well, unknowingly, he fell for her too.

It wasn't because of her looks–no brainer that she looked average and Plain Jane-y, but it was her classic wit and poetic state that drew him into her.

Maybe she couldn't possibly know, but he did....

All of his football thoughts vanished when he was with Aaliyah. Who cares if he had to move to Norwich City and play, who cares if he had to play as a forward, who cared. Aaliyah was what he only cared about at the moment.

He already signed his contract, so he was free most of the time. He spent nearly all of it writing with Aaliyah. Her book was exceedingly good and the publisher was pleased with their efforts, seeing as they finished it two weeks of time; and they were having it printed and published in no time.

It's title was 'Love Lessons'.

Aaliyah kept this part secret, for she wanted to surprise Laurent with her message inside the book.

The day it arrived in bookstores, as expected, Laurent was very surprised himself....

The message was 'I think, I just so think, I fell for my love expert.'

And the love expert smiled at her, nodding. "I think, I just so think, I fell for my love student."

You all know what happens next, right?

The two embrace and kiss and the film makers end the movie with cheesy 60's music, and say,

"They lived happily ever after. THE END."

A book could impact your life a lot, eh?


Cheesy, right? I hope you like it Aaliyah ^ ^

Thank you guys so much, this story was ranked #250 in Short Story! 

I L O V E Y O U  G U Y S <3


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