Then why don't we make it official

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"Please," Aelin extended the syllable as though she was begging (which she practically was). "Dorian, I swear I'll do every other assignment for you for the next week, I'll even teach you how to do the incendio charm if you just do this teensy tiny essay for professor Darrow for me."

Aelin hated the history of magic lessons and everything that came with it, which was why she sat at the Ravenclaw table in the great hall at breakfast, beseeching Dorian to do her homework for her.

"No, I've got my own homework to do and I need to practice with the team for our upcoming game." What didn't add was that the Gryffindor quidditch team no longer needed to practice so much anymore since they got knocked out this season so she will have more time on her hands but Dorian wouldn't say it, he was too diplomatic for that. She wished that he had said it so she could refute his claim and say that they were actually going to practice soon to get better in the rain. Despite that, the loss still stung.

Her head rested on a hand, her elbow on the table and a pout on her face. A hum resounded out of her throat, "so, who is this girl you've been pining over."

"Oh, so I refuse to do your homework so instead you pester me, hoping that I'll change my mind to get you to stop?" He raised an eyebrow and she couldn't tell whether the smirk playing around his mouth was from embarrassment or amusement.

"I was just making conversation," she said defensively, "but if you wanted to change your mind I wouldn't turn you away."

Dorian's sapphire eyes rolled fondly; as they did so often when Aelin was around.

"I'll just keep hounding you."

Nehemia came and sat with them, her blue robes matching Dorian's. She politely asked what they were talking about and when Aelin told her of the subject matter, her eyes averted to the toast in front of her.

Suddenly suspicious, Aelin's brows knitted together with her eyes bouncing back and forth between her two friends, both of which were acting shifty.

"I won't interfere if you do this assignment for me."

Dorian faced her fully and assessed her raised eyebrows and smug features before asking, "how can you interfere if you don't even know what you're interfering in?"

In answer, she pointed her gaze towards Nehemia and then back to Dorian.

A laugh escaped her friend sitting diagonally across from her, Nehemia's braids fell behind her shoulders as her head tilted backwards.

"I have to go, I'm tutoring a third year struggling with ancient runes." Nehemia sent an amused look their way and Aelin forgot to say bye because her mind was preoccupied with trying to organise and make sense of everything.

Dorian seemed inclined to either ignore her or leave himself even though he knew she'd follow after him. She grabbed his sleeve just in case and leaned in so no-one else could listen in.

Of course that was when Rowan walked through the doors and his gaze immediately landed on them, assessing their proximity. In response she gave him a sultry glance and rolled her eyes cheekily at the proprietorial look that he was failing at hiding.

"So it's not Nehemia, then who is it?"

"I might as well do your essay while I'm doing mine, I'm assuming it's the same one." A blush crept its way onto his cheeks.

"I won't say anything, I swear."

He mumbled something. "What? I didn't catch that."


A pause followed by Aelin's barrage of questions assaulted Dorian. The final question she asked was, "why didn't you tell me?"

"I know that you mean well, but if you'd have known so would the rest of the school."

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2020 ⏰

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