Broadcast, NUCON Carrier Five, September 3rd

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This is Captain Issac Marks, NUCON's Chief of Naval Operations. Today is September 3rd.

To anyone listening in on this broadcast, and I promise you we hope that someone is, we're glad. So incredibly glad. I know it must be hard out there. I know all of you have had to deal with circumstances that I cannot even begin to imagine. No doubt you all have experienced countless hardships and horrors. Things beyond my imagination.

For that I am extremely sorry.

But I encourage you not to give up. Not to lose hope.

Especially now.

It is my honor to announce that Carrier Five, containing myself and my highly capable crew, is setting course for the mainland. We will be making landfall at the trading port in Sansbell. Our estimated time of arrival is September fifth, two days from the release of this initial broadcast. We will remain in port for two months. She's a big ship... and we want every inch of her occupied by the time of our return!

Any survivors who can hear this broadcast, anyone listening to my voice right now, please begin to make your way to Sansbell. We are here for you. To help you!

Upon arrival you will be tested for the disease, treated for wounds and sickness, given a bunk in a quarantine bay, and provided meals. It is our hope that no one will be turned away.

At the end of our harbor period we will depart for NUCON's Secured City. Anyone not aboard Carrier Five will have to be left behind. I apologize sincerely but we must consider the safety of everyone on board.

On behalf of the crew of Carrier Five, and of the New United Coalition of Nations, I hope to see you all soon!

Safe travels,

Captain Issac Marks.

Author's Note in the external link

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Author's Note in the external link.

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