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Chapter 4

Author's note: This the fourth chapter, Is James just worried about many things or is he just done with Lily? Lily is so curios that she might have hurt his feelings that she is determined to find out if she has. She develops a soft spot for him. And when she discovers some secrets she is guilty then ever.

James went straight to the Hospital wing, He saw Peter sitting by Remus's bed, James gave him a thumbs up, and motioned him that he'll be back in an hour. He bent down to adjust his trainers, and ran to the Quidditch Pitch. Lily saw him on the pitch through a window.

"He really loves the game." She thought, feeling guilty then ever.

James wasn't alone on the pitch, it was a little after dawn, light was spreading slowly, a couple of first years came into focus. Lily took out her wand and waved it slightly, now she hear everything from the pitch.

"Captain James, I mean, Headboy James..." The boy was really shy and in the awe of the 18 year old.

"It's James" He said firmly. "It is and it always has been."

"James, so if practise we can get in the team."

"I can't make any promises, Charlie, but maybe."

"I heard people don't get into teams in the first year."

"Yes, that is in fact correct."

The kids mounted on the brooms and James was instructing them, He had to fly and catch them in midair because they would keep falling off. After almost forty five minutes, they all landed,

"Well, better than last week."

"Thank you for helping us, though,"

"Hey, what kind of a Head boy would i be, If i didn't value your requests." James waved away their gratitude.

The boys and only one girl who had joined them for practise, looked at him in much more admiration. It was almost six O clock, James took off to the hospital wing and Peter left.

Lily hadn't left the window for a single second, while James was coaching the first years.

"Hello, Moony," James said pleasantly.

"Hello, James,"

"Ready for breakfast?"

The Marauders didn't leave Remus's bedside for even one second when he was in he hospital. His transformation this time was worse then ever. It had weakened Remus greatly.

All of the students were going home for spring break this year, and just a day earlier, Transfiguration class was going on, there was knock at Professor McGonagall's door,


"I want James, Professor, James Potter."

"James, Mr. Potter, Professor Dumbledore is calling you in his office."

James and Sirius exchanged glances, they hadn't pulled a trick in a week, they were worried about Remus and Sirius, James went outside, and he didn't come back.

After the lesson, Sirius went to look for him, James was in the dormitory packing.

"What happened? James..." Sirius grinned." They didn't expel you or something."

James turned to face him, his face tear streaked, eyes were red and puffy. He wiped them from the side of his wrist. The look on James's face wiped the grin right of Sirius's face.

"What happened?"

"My parents, Sirius, Voldemort..." James tried to hold it in but he couldn't.

"But they are pure blood, James, Voldemort only kills muggle borns."

"They refused him their services."

James was now sobbing like a little child, Sirius enclosed him in a hug.

"Come home with me, Padfoot." James said slowly." I would need company."

"Of course."

James Stops, Lily Jealous.Where stories live. Discover now