Chapter:- 9

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Anum's POV:

"Bhai get up. You have to go to the market. We are running out of ingredients." I said shaking my brother who is not budging from his place from last half an hour. I'm tired of waking him up now.

"Doll. Just 5 minutes." He said in his sleepy voice and I sighed.

"You are saying this from last half an hour." I said getting irritated now.

"Get up or else I'll throw water on you." I threatened but he didn't react.

"Now it's enough. I'm not gonna leave you Zaid Khan." I said to myself going towards the bathroom. I came out with a mug of water and started pouring it on his face.

"Ahhh!!!" He shouted and got up. I stopped and smirked at him.

"You little girl. Just wait until I get you." He said and I ran out of the room saving my life from him.

"Go get a shower. You have to go to buy ingredients." I shouted at him peeking inside the room.

"I'll not leave you. I'll take my revenge doll." He shouted from his room. I just smiled and went down to help Ammi.

"You have not took shower, right? If you have then don't come into the kitchen or else you will make your clothes dirty." Ammi said as I entered in the kitchen. Yes, she is right I really work as a clumsy girl. I really make a big mess. But clean it out okay.

"Nope Ammi. I haven't. I'll take it after preparing lunch for you all." I said smiling at her and she smiled.

"Okay. Then we have to make so many things in evening. So be prepared." Ammi said smiling at me and I nodded my head.

"Yes ma'am." I said giving her  salute. Then I prepared tea for Bhai who was sleeping like a log till now. It's already 9 and he is sleeping. He didn't go to his work to spend time with me but see he is sleeping. 

"Assalamualaikum everyone." We heard Bhai's voice. Abbu is reading newspaper. Ammi and I are setting the table.

"Wa-Alaikum-Assalam, young man. You took leave from office to spend time with my princess and you are sleeping like a log." Abbu said still not looking up from the newspaper.

"Abbu, it's only 9. We have whole day to spend with her." He said sitting on the chair and glared at me making me smirk at him.

"You are forgetting son. Your Ammi and Anum has to be in the kitchen from 3 of the afternoon only. Because Faraz's family will be here till 6. And you have to go to the market to buy some ingredients." Abbu informed him.

"Ohh. No problem. Doll, make a list. I'll go after breakfast." Bhai said to me and I nodded my head smiling at him.

"Okay. Take Driver Uncle with you. There are many things to buy." I said. When everything was set, Ammi and I took our seats and started doing breakfast. But Abbu was still reading newspaper.

"Zareef keep your paper down right now." Ammi ordered and that was enough for him to keep his paper down.

"Okay love. I'm doing it. No need to glare at me like that. It scares me like hell." He said giving Ammi his sweet smile making Bhai and I smile. I just love them. After breakfast, Bhai went to the market and Abbu again got engross in his newspaper. Ammi went to the kitchen to wash dishes and I started cleaning the house.

Third Person's POV:

Khan's house (Zayan's family)
Evening. 5:00 pm.

"Girls, go get ready. It's already 5. You guys take much time to get ready." Mr.Fazal said looking at all who were sitting in the living room after doing evening breakfast.

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