The elvish king

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Legolas little hands played in her long wet curls and tugged at them, his wondering blue eyes scanned her face.

" Will you not play with me today? "

His soft voice enquired of her, and yet her mind had other matters plaguing it. The same blue eyes and straight white hair had her brain shortcircuiting.

He tugged harder in hopes of getting her to look at him, but to no avail she kept on staring into space.

How could she nurture his offspring and conceive another one of his, she hated that she hadn't been able to keep her promise.

But she was no idiot, telling him about the baby in her belly would be a mistake all on its own.

She wasn't afraid of his reaction, more so of what his people would say or do about it. Being that he was a very reserved being and close minded for lack of better words.

" Are we playing one of your strange games again? "

His little voice mused, and her heart melted at the sound. He was merely five years old and yet his father commanded him as if he were a soldier.

Her hands trailed over his porcelain white skin, and over his thick eyebrows through his white mane of hair.

" No my love, we are going to paint the starts today. "

She had whispered to him as if it were a secret that no one else was meant to hear, her hands secured him onto her lap.

Her burnt brown skin contrasted against his pale one, much the same as his father's paler skin contrasted against hers.

The moonlight spilled into the room and cooled the atmosphere, bringing forth the splendid night view.

" Does painting the stars include you in that painting? "

His voice much like the starts and the moon, soothing and cool to her ardent ears.

Had he been watching them? She hadn't been impressed the last time he had chosen to watch them as if he had nothing better to do.

She disapproved that he could be so infatuated with her, when she fought so hard to keep her feelings to herself.

His enormous hand reach out from behind her to take Legolas, but she refused to let the little boy go.

She had come to love the little elf prince, his boyish look and all the laughter that he rang out of her.

The little secrets he would share with her, and all the bright smile that he flashes at her.

She had fallen hopelessly in love with the son of the man she claimed to be her lover, and she wouldn't have it any other way.

Turning towards the agressor, she looked him up and down. With his long coat and silver shirt poking through, his dress pants matching the ridiculous shoes he wore.

His smiling face looked pleased for some reason, the white of his hair blowing in the moonlight as if it were rays of the moon.

" Come now love, it's time for his bedtime. "

Nodding her head at the absurd request she handed the young Legolas over to his father, kissing the top of his head as a farewell before following the pair into his open room.

Legolas didn't have a regular sleeping patter unlike other regular children, his sleep didn't come to him full of dreams and happiness.

He much rather stay awake painting stars that is what the young white haired boy had told her countless of times.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2020 ⏰

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