Peace Treaty!!!?????

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~~~~~Normal POV~~~~~
As Notch gets ready to go to the Nether even though he was banished along with Steve. He wanted to make it up to his brother Herobrine for not being there when he was being bullied and pick on. As Notch gets a paper which is the peace treatment. This will aloud villagers/players to get along with mobs any kind of mob. He knew that some of his warriors are with mobs and he wanted them to be in peace. Instead of war all the time and having to fight each other. Steve on the other hand was slipping into a path that their brother Herobrine was in for so long. Notch now haves everything that he needs and heads to the Nether portal. He takes a deep breath and jumps right in.

~~~~~Herobrine's POV~~~~~
I felt a Nether portal being open as I look out side of my castle. Diamond was sleeping within my arms as I slowly get up from the bed. I led and kiss her forehead and write a quick note telling her that I won't be long. I place it on our dresser. I teleport to where the portal as been active. And hide with the Nether brick ( I think that's what they are called 🤔. To me it kinda looks like brains 😅). Someone jumps throw the portal and I pull my head down and look above the Nether brick ( I still think. That's what they are called...😅). To my surprise it was Notch..... My brother.... Of out of everyone why does it have to be him? As I continue to look at him he pulls up a letter as he sighs. " I hope this works. It's the only way to bring peace among villagers/players and mobs. I miss him and her so much... But I also have to warn them about Steve." He says out loud to himself. Steve? Why would he warn me about Steve? Was Steve going to hurt my sister? So many questions with little to no answers.

~~~~~Notch's POV~~~~~
As I jump throw the Nether portal I found myself back into the Nether. I never thought that my plan work. Since Mika and that Endermen banished us. It seems to me that the banishment was for Steve than for me. As I took out the letter of truce I thought back to when we were all happy. I sigh as I fold the letter back up as I start to make my way to my brother's castle. But I haven't notice that I was being follow. Until I drew my iron sword. I decided that I should leave my diamond sword at my castle. So it won't make me like a threat to anyone in the Nether especially the Ghast ( I think that's what they are called 😅). " It's alright I won't hurt you! I only want to speak with Herobrine!" I called out to whoever was watching me. " So, you want to speak to Herobrine?" The voice answer back to me. " Yes! I need to speak to Herobrine to make a peace treaty. And to warn him and our sister about Steve!" I answer  back to voice. I see the figure walk out of the Nether brick( still think that's what they are called 🤔 If I am wrong please tell me if it's Nether brick or another name.). To my surprise it was Herobrine. Why was he doing out here? And why was he pretending to be a mob? So many questions. But that will have to wait for now. " Brother, I have come along and I wanted to make a peace treaty with you and the Nether." I said to him as he looks at me with a shock look. " I have a hard time believing in you Notch." He reply back to me as he keeps his distance from me. " Herobrine, if you bring all of your generals to the meeting and sign this paper. All players/villagers and mobs will be in peace. And I'm sure most of the mobs would like that." I said to him as he was in deep though. As I hear footsteps in the distance as I hear yelling. Herobrine snap out of his though and look above me. I turn around and look we're he was looking at.

~~~~~Mika's POV~~~~~
It's been a while since Hero has left and I have been worried. I couldn't stop pacing back and forth in the meeting room. I finally decided to get a few mobs and find my brother. We look around the Nether for my brother and their king. As we come along a hill of Nether brick ( still think that's what they are called🤔) I see two figures looking at each other. I can see one figure holding a iron sword. And the other one when I look closer is my brother. My eyes widen as I didn't think as I jump down the hill. " Brother!!!" I yell as I summon my diamond sword and shield. I ran towards him and jump in front of him and block him from this players view. I turn and look at Hero and see that he was alright. I sigh in relief as I turn around and look at the player. And to my surprise it wasn't a player after all. It my older brother Notch. " WHY ARE YOU HERE!?" I scream at him as I hold my sword towards him in a deadly way. I feel a hand on my shoulder as I turn and look back at Hero. " Sister, he has come to make a peace treaty with us." I look at him with my eyes widen in shock. Cause Notch has never came to Hero with a peace treaty. He has always attack the Nether first and kill a lot of mobs and Pigman. When I was younger I knew a Pigman that would always watch me and play with me besides Eddy. But he was killed by Notch and Steve in one of their wars. " Mika, it is true on what I say about a peace treaty with the Nether and the mobs." Notch says to me as I was still not convinced. " I don't believe you. You and Steve have killed many innocent mobs and Pigman. I knew one and you and Steve killed him.And you kidnapped me when I was younger." I said to him as he gives me a 'I'm sorry look'. I turn my head away from him as he still try to reason with me. But in the end I block him out. Until I hear Hero say " I will gather all of the generals and I will bring my love and my sister and her boyfriend to this meeting. There we should talk about the rules of the Nether and the Nether Fortress." Hero said to Notch as he takes led back to the castle. I look at him with shock eyes as I yell " YOU ARE WILLING TO BRING HIM BACK TO THE CASTLE!? HE HAS NO RIGHT TO EVEN BE HERE!!!!! YOU ARE MAKING A HUGE MISTAKE!!!" As angry tears fall from my eyes. " Mika, I do not wish to argue with you at this moment. This is the best for the Nether and it's people." He says to me as my anger disappears to worry. " Hero, please think about it before going to the castle. Remember all of Nether hates Notch. I don't think that they will like this peace treaty." I said to him. He turns around and looks at me. " Mika, I had enough of this nonsense. Notch wants this peace treaty and so do I. And I'm sure everyone back at the castle will be glad that the war is finally over." He said to me as he told Notch to follow him. He didn't even lessen to me.... All I wanted is to keep everyone in the Nether safe.... I follow them back in silence as the guards look at me with worry looks. As one of them came up to me and put their hand on my shoulder in reinsurance. " Princess, I understand where you are coming from. But you have to trust your brother. He knows Notch better than anyone else. And plus, I didn't see that Notch would lie to us. I see no lies, the look he gave you and your brother." The guard told me as I nod my head. ' I hope my brother knows what he is doing.' I thought to myself.

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