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Things between Zion and I haven't been so well .

It's been a few months , elom came back around . I guess Zion accepted his apology. I'm not mad at Zion for accepting eloms apology , Zion hates eloms guts for doing what he did to me . But elom has been staying with the guys .

Zion has made sure he hasn't even looked at me . I'm scared , I don't want elom to hurt me again .

I've been staying in Zions room playing video games all day because I'm scared of elom .

Zion has been bringing me food , which I absolutely love him for .

Other then that , Zion hasn't blown his load in a while , and I haven't let off steam....

With elom being here I'm paranoid . Mandy is staying here too , she knows what happened between me and elom . That's why she's here .

I love Mandy and Zions dad , I love his sister to I just hate elom .

I think Zion is trynna build a relationship with his brother again , maybe it was a mistake . Maybe he didn't mean it . But whatever got into elom that night , I just don't trust him .


I'm upstairs playing fortnite in Zions bed.

Zion walked in but I didn't loose focus from the game . I heard him lock the door knob but didn't think anything of it .

I know zion and I haven't had the chance to blow off steam in a while . I miss him , I really do . My vagina misses him , but I just can't think straight knowing that elom is in the same house that I'm in .

He came over to his bed and got under the covers . I'm sitting up in bed with my legs crossed . I feel him open his legs and pull me into his lap .

I still didn't loose focus of the game .

I know he gets super turned on when he sees me playing video games . He says it's his biggest turn on . And it's my biggest turn on when he's focused on a video game , I think it's super hot .

I felt him move all my hair to one side and he slowly started kissing my neck and sucking on my neck .

I shifted around a little and leaned back into Zions chest . I look away from the game quickly and look up at him . He gave me a small smile . I know he misses me , I just can't do it with him while elom is here , I feel so paranoid .

I kissed him quickly and went back to my video game .

He was sad , I know he is because he wants me so badly .

I decided to pause my game . I set down the controller "what's wrong baby" I ask as I interlock our fingers together . "I miss you" he whispered in my ear . His large hands almost covered my whole stomach . I'm so petite compared to him .

"I miss you too baby" I whisper .

We looked each other in the eyes for a few moments . I don't wanna do this with Zion , not while eloms here . I know he respects that but he needs me , I can tell . He can't wait any longer , he needs me .

"How about we go on a drive and park in a empty parking lot when the sun goes down" I say as I stroke his cheek lightly .

"I'll lock the doors baby , I wanna do it here with you , in my bed" he said . "I know zion , but I'm so paranoid with elom being in the house" I say .

I felt anger and his tension build up . "I'm telling him to leave then , he's fucking with your head too much baby it's not good for you" he said as he got up out of bed .

I got up quickly and grabbed his wrist as he went for the door knob . "Wait baby , have one of the guys talk to him, you seem really tense and you might blow up on him" I say as I rub his arm gently "I'm fine y/n , he just needs to get the fuck out of my house , your not comfortable with him here I'm telling him to leave" he kind of yelled .

"Caleb" I yell . He turned around quickly . He knew I was being serious . I only call him Caleb either when I'm mad at him , or when he's fucking me too good . And right now he knows I'm mad at him .

"Don't go out there , if elom even looks at you the wrong way your gonna rip his head off , now apologize for yelling at me you didn't need to raise your voice" I say getting a bit loud .

"I'm sorry baby , I'm just irritated with elom" he said . "I understand , call one of the guys and tell them , but don't go out there because you like to run your mouth and that will end up in a fistfight if elom says the wrong thing" I say .

"Ok ok fine" he said and rolled his eyes .

He sat down on his bed and called Brandon . He told Brandon and Brandon took care of it .

I can tell that he's so tense.

His face is in his palms and I walked over to him .

I straddled his lap and sat down on him . He looked up at me and wrapped his arms around me "I'm sorry baby , I'm so irritated" he said . "It's ok Zion , I love you" I say as I stroke his cheek lightly .

He gave me a soft smile . I love him so much .

He pulled me down into bed and got ontop of me . We start kissing , everything is going amazing....

He pulled away from the kiss and reached down his basketball shorts . He groaned as he pulled out his length . "Fuck I need you baby" he muttered as he looked up at me . He connected our lips but I wasn't kissing back. After a few moments he realized .

"What's wrong baby" he asked .

I just stared off into space . My head was spinning and my heart is racing .

"Baby , what's wrong" he said . I could hear the worry in his voice . He tucked his length back into his shorts and got up off of me .

I jumped up out of his bed quickly and went running downstairs . I can't handle this anymore .... elom messes my head up so badly , he did things that Zion don't even know about ......

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