1- The Girl Who Can Talk To All

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The danger is I'm dangerous
And I might just tear you apart

-Kill of the Night (Gin Wigmore)

The blonde hairs fell back onto the wood with a soft thud. In the silence of the cold empty hallway, she was alone. Any other day this hall would be bustling with noise and familiar faces, a chaotic rush would be ruling everyone and everything.

But that day was an exception, of course. the day she had gotten two hours early not because she couldn't sleep but she had to head practice to blow off some steam, get ready for the new year in the Hunter Academy, which was a decision that she was now questioning. Perhaps her father was wrong, she should've slept instead of driving with her vehicle for an hour.

She groaned to herself, knowing that she should've waited a little. She was an hour early in the first day of school, which was honestly a typical Crystal Devaroux move. She just had to be that uptight, right?

But the academy felt nice, thankfully janitor Rivers had taken her in and she was free from the embarrassment of waiting outside. Inside was better, and it wasn't like she could head back home, it took nearly an hour to get back there. It would be pointless. And the dorms wouldn't be open for at least three hours. So waiting inside the main building was decided as the best decision.

And as the minutes continued to slip by, the blonde was suddenly questioning about her choice.

Perhaps she should've called Kelton. He would've come, then she wouldn't be sitting alone, inside of the very empty academy, completely bored to death.

But it was too late now, he was probably already on his way, it wasn't like he could fly to her aid, right?

You seem bored, Devaroux.

She shut her eyes tightly at the voice. Ignoring it would only make it more stubborn.

"And you should be dead by now." She whisper-yelled furiously, quickly raising herself from the floor and checking if anyone heard her.

Relax, kid. You're alone. She rolled her eyes at the comment from the very old and cranky voice.

"Seriously you can't talk to me like that. I don't want any trouble." Her voice was a little louder now, causing a faint echo in the empty hallway.

She stretched slightly, trying to get rid of the odd pain of sitting on the floor for so long. Its response wasn't long waited.

You seem desperate.

"Maybe it's because of the fact that I am nearly 17 and don't have an Epee. Or maybe it's because of a certain old Epee who doesn't leave me alone!" She walked straight to the glass shelf it was on. She sighed and looked straight to the old and cranky sword.

You have me and others.

It ignored the young huntress' snarky comment.

"Well technically you're Hunter Accelias' Epee, who died a century ago. You should've been dust by now; you know?" Her hands on her hips defensively Crystal Devaroux held her head high.

She knew that the golden sword couldn't technically see her, because it was, you know, a sword. But she wanted to seem intimidating.

Somebody's pretty grumpy.

The golden Epee commented, sarcasm dripping from its voice.

"Well, Aida, I am your one and the only company, so you have to be a little politer. Don't you think?" Crystal replied with a smug look. She was indeed, right. The Epee's owner had died a century ago, without her, Aida would be alone and miserable. Or at least she hoped it would.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2020 ⏰

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