Chapter II

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"Which topic would you like to choose... Y/N" he emphasized my name clearly and loudly.

"I. Don't. Care." I said through my gritted teeth.

"If you really don't care, then I'm leaving now. I don't have all day long. Text me when you have decided." He said before he began packing his things and left me with a sticky note attached to my backpack.

"That jerk..." I cursed under my breath.

He's called Angel in school because of his look, but I would rather call him Jerk for his terrible attitude.

"I will just do it alone Jerk" I cursed under my breath as I packed my things and left.

'I don't want to have any connections with him.' that's what my brain tells me, but my heart just won't listen and made itself crack.

I think it's too weird how the prettiest boy in school has the worst attitude ever.

Well... I can't say I have a good attitude toward him too, so I think we may be equal.

Anyway! When I just stepped outside the school's gate, I saw it was beginning to rain, so I tried my best to run toward my car that was parked in the school's parking lot.

"I want my bed now!" I whined to myself as I stepped on the energy and speeded off toward my house.

Well... I haven't properly introduced myself have I? My name is Y/n and I'm from a business family. Well, what I mean is that my parents own a company and they are apparently having some trouble, but I hope they will get it solved soon.

I'm bubbly outside school, but a 'nerd' in school. Well... I don't really study anything because the study line I chose is the one I like and have a passion for, so it shouldn't be hard for me.

Just as I parked my car, I could see somebody else's car was in front of my house, or I mean my parents' house, but you know what I mean.

"Hey Y/n! Is it you?" My mom was yelling from the living room.

When I passed by, I could see a couple that looked familiar and my parents sitting on the sofas with some fruit and snacks on the table.

"Yeah, what's the matter" I plopped myself down on the sofa and ate a grape.

"This is Mr. and Mrs. Yoon, they are our friends and they are willing to help us with our business." My parents told me with a bright smile.

I'm so happy to see them being their old self again. It was so hard to be with them since the thing with their company happened.

"Wow, it's good. Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Yoon" I said as I bowed to the two elders sitting in front of me.

"Oh! No need to thank sweetheart. Your parents helped us a lot too, so it's the least we can do."

They are so polite and kind looking.

"No problem! I'm really happy for my parents" I smile at my parents, as I saw them returning me a smile as big as the one I gave them.

"Well, we need to announce you one more thing" My mom started to say as I could hear some seriousness in her voice, but most of it was covered with her excitement.

"We have made a deal with the Yoon couple that their son and you will be married. On top of that, you two already know each other"

"Why marriage? I'm still too young" I told them in my most polite voice I could mutter at that time.

"It's because we want something to bond our families, and well... since they have a son and we have a daughter. We thought of bonding the two of you!"

I officially hate my parents now! No need to ask! I'm out!

"Are you serious about this mom? I mean... what if he already has a girlfriend? What if I have a boyfriend? What will we do then?"

"Don't worry sweetie, our son Jeonghan doesn't have a girlfriend." Mrs. Yoon told me, as I could feel myself get goosebumps.

"Did you say Jeonghan?" I asked her again, as this time the doorbell rang.

I went over to see who was at the door, only to be met with the devil itself. The Jerk!

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