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* written before chapter 394 *

Atsumu was persistent. He enjoyed going around flirting with everyone and getting laid, making sure every of his targets fell for his schemes. As the god of lust, he had slept with many people and been in many relationships, but never was committed to it. It was never a challenge to get with someone or to sleep with them. However, love was an unknown force to him. He had been in relationships, none built on love, but on lies and lust instead. In the past 700 years, no such things were a challenge for him, until he met the god of medicine.

"Hey, Sakusa, right? You're such a pretty face, wanna come over to mine after this?"

Sakusa was as stubborn as Atsumu was, unwavering as Atsumu flirted with him the first time at the party in Troy. The dark-haired god was not interested in the party, but had been pushed to go by Komori, the god of agriculture. Hinata, the god of the sun, laughed when Sakusa ignored Atsumu, turning away from him to escape the crowd.

"You tried, Atsumu! Sakusa's quite cold to you, I guess!" Hinata wheezed, never seeing Atsumu being rejected before.

"Hinata! I'll get him, trust me!" Atsumu groaned, which earned him a slap on the back by his twin brother Osamu, the god of desire and attraction.

"You got rejected. First time?" Osamu asked, trying to hide his laugh miserably.

"Argh, shuddup 'Samu!" Atsumu covered his face with his hands, but was slightly intrigued. No one had ever rejected him before. He never had a challenge in getting someone interested in him, the god of medicine shocking him. He grinned slightly. This will be fun.

A week later, they had met at Kos. Sakusa let out a sigh when he saw Atsumu walk up to him with a smirk on his face.

"Hey, beautiful! Whatcha doin' here?" Atsumu slid to his side, making Sakusa flinch away from him.

"None of your concern, Atsumu." Sakusa replied with a blank face, turning to face him.

"C'mon, love. React to me, won't ya?" Atsumu pressed, sneaking a hand to wrap around Sakusa's shoulders, which he jerked away from.

"Don't touch me." He murmured, as he walked away, getting ready to head back to Olympus.

"Cruel, Sakusa." Atsumu hummed.

"So, ya tried again." Osamu clarified, as he stared out of the window of their room.


"It didn't work again." Osamu turned to face his brother, blinking in confusion.

"Exactly what went down, 'Samu." Atsumu sighed, flopping onto his bed.

"I don't wanna inflate yer ego, but how? Yer the god of seduction, this ain't addin' up." Osamu pointed out, sitting on the same bed.

"Shuddup, I know." He glared at his brother, as he turned about. For some reason, it caused his head to spin like a vortex, but he dismissed, pondering about what to do.

"First time I've seen ya try s' hard. Good luck, hope he rejects ya again." Osamu got up to leave, but not before Atsumu hurled a pillow at him.

"Ugh, shuddup 'Samu. I'll charm his socks off, watch me."


Every encounter Atsumu has with Sakusa, he never fails to flirt with Sakusa relentlessly, not bothering about the cold glances and curt replies he received from the dark-haired god. Sakusa muttered something about Atsumu being a pain in the ass, which he received a dirty comment to. He would have beaten up Atsumu if Komori weren't there.

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