Chapter One

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Sam had to holdback the urge to facepalm or sigh. Dean had only been a fifteen year old for a little under two months, but Sam was already ready to strangle the older-turned-younger brother. Sam was trying his best, he really was, but Dean was a stubborn little shit. He was new to the older brother/ caretaker role, so why couldn't Dean just listen for once? He just wanted Dean to listen to him ONE time. 

Dean stared at Sam with a smirk on his face. He had his arms crossed over the front of his chest in a smug manner. He had been arguing with Sam about having a curfew, which he thought was stupid considering he was supposed to be thirty years old. Dean didn't see why Sam had been treating him like a child. Dean understood that he didn't have the strength he had when he was an adult, but Sam was being ridiculous!

"Dean, don't make me take an hour away," Sam threatened. He didn't know what else to threaten his brother with. He could ground him, but Sam didn't think he'd be able to be with the kid for that long.

Dean scowled. He wasn't some some dumb teenager; he was a dumb adult! Ever since Dean opted to stay young, Sam had been a 'helicopter parent'. Dean was ecstatic the mark was gone, but it was at the cost of his brother micromanaging his life. He could barely do anything without Sam's constant nagging. He used to be able to brush off the disapproving glances his brother would give him, but now they stung. 

Sam crossed his arms across his chest, waiting for an answer or snarky remark from Dean. He raised an eyebrow at the teenager when he was met with silence. He was ready to have to argue with Dean for at least fifteen more minutes. 

"It's not like I can go out late without you or Cas!" Dean finally says. He knew that the monsters in the dark are real, but that didn't mean that he needed protecting. Just because he was physically fifteen, didn't mean he needed protecting. 

"Dude, we can talk about going out alone when you're not 5'7," Sam huffs out a laugh. He was almost enjoying the older sibling role. He missed his big brother, but Dean didn't act much older when he was his normal age. 

The younger Winchester opens his mouth to pop out a retort, but Castiel walks in and cuts him off. 

"Sam's right, Dean. It would be foolish to go out alone. There's people who'd use your size to their advantage," the angel states softly. They all had their fair share of enemies that would want to take advantage of the situation and go after the smallest Winchester boy in his current physical appearance. 

Dean looks at the angel with a look of betrayal. He had thought that Cas would've sided with him on this. He couldn't believe that this bitch took Sammy's side over Dean's! Cas was Dean's angel, not Sam's. 

Sam rolled his eyes, "Quit pouting, Dean." He shook his head in an amused manner. 

"I am not pouting!" 

Dean was definitely pouting. 

When Dean realized that he wasn't going to win this argument, he stormed off to his room. He kicked at the wall, before flopping face first onto his unmade bed. His room used to be fairly tidy, but now that he was a teen it had lost any touch of the previously dapper room. He reached over to fiddle with the radio on his nightstand. He turned on some classic rock and turned the volume up to be obnoxiously loud. He pulled his phone out of his front pocket and scrolled through a few of the applications mindlessly. 


Sam collapsed in one of the wooden chairs placed around the table. The teenaged boy was giving him a headache. Sam would have to take a trip to the medicine cabinet. He understood where Dean was coming from, but did he have to be such a brat about it? Sam instantly felt remorseful for thinking that. Dean had raised him his whole life. Dean should be allowed to be a normal hormonal teenager, even if it wasn't the first time around. 

"He'll come around eventually," Cas sympathized. He still hadn't been able to completely wrap his head around human children, but he knew it obviously was a large test of patience. 

The two adults both jumped at the sound of the loud music. Neither were surprised, but it still startled the both of them. 

Sam groaned. The music just made his headache worse. His head was pulsing. He got up from his seat to go ask his brother to go turn the music down.

Sam opened the door to Dean's room slowly. He was flabbergasted to find the child asleep. How one could fall asleep listening to the Rolling Stones or AC/DC this loud was a mystery to Sam. He turned the music down and grabbed a stray blanket off of the floor. He placed the blanket over Dean's slumbering form. He turned the lamp off and made his way out of the room. 

By the time Sam was back in the main room of the bunker, Castiel had already retreated to his own room. The oldest Winchester tidied the table up a bit before retiring to his room to take some asprin and take a hot shower. 

Dean may be a pain in the ass, but he'd give his brother the life he deserved. It was Sam's turn to take care of Dean and he would do his damn best. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2020 ⏰

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