Right Apartment and Helpful Hand!

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"Well... we've checked almost every apartment building in Big City. But, Eighteenth times the charm." Jerry said.

"Uuurrggh! We've been looking around for Hours! I REALLY have to pee!" Drake whined.

"Yeah, and I'm getting quite hungry." Poppy said.

Jerry sighed.

"I know, kids. But I can assure you, we're close!" Jerry replied.

Suddenly, both of the Children's stomachs growled, obviously being hunger.

"Jerry, isn't there any restaurants near? It would be a good time for a break." The Mother asked.

Suddenly, Poppy gasped.

"Mum! Dad! Look!" She said.

Both parents turned to where Poppy pointed, where the Mother smiled, and the Father frowned.

"Ooh! That DOES look like a good place for food." The Mother said.

The daughter pointed to a small shop, with some people sitting on outside chairs. It had a sign saying 'Coffee Shop'.

"Ooh! That looks like a good place! Daddy, can we go?" Poppy asked.

"What? No! We don't need a dinner break! We are right beside another Apartment building, and I do believe it's the right one this time!" Jerry replied.

"Huh?" Everyone asked

Everyone turned to the side of the Car, and there was, indeed, an apartment building.

"Oh! Well..." The Mother said.

"See? We don't need a stop." Jerry replied.

"Honey, what if it's another wrong apartment building?" The Mother asked.

"This is the ONLY apartment building left in Big City, I garentee it's the right one." Jerry replied.

The Mother frowned, looking annoyed.

"Look, if you wanna go to the Coffee store, be my guest. But don't come crying to me when you let Poppy or Drake have a sip of coffee." Jerry replied.

"Je-rry!" She said.

"Fran-kie." Jerry replied, giving the same syllable of Name.

Frankie didn't really feel like arguing, so, she walked out of the Car, and helped the two kids out of the car.

"Come on kids! I'll buy you a snack. And Drake, you can have a bathroom break." Frankie said.

"Praise the Holy Spirit of Relief!" Drake said.

Frankie turned to Jerry, and waved goodbye, as well as Jerry. Moments later, the three walked off to the nearby shop, while Jerry stayed in the van. He made sure his family got inside safe, before getting out of his car himself.

"Alright..." Jerry said.

With only a tiny bit of Hesitation, Jerry stored up his courage, and make his way towards the apartment building.

"This HAS to be the right Bloody apartment building." Jerry muttered.

Meanwhile, The three family members walked upto the coffee shop, with Drake happily opening the door for his Mother and Sister.

"Aw, thanks, Drake." The Mother said.

The three walked upto the counter, where A Purple Girl with a Brown Hat and apron was, giving service to another customer.

"Have a good day!" She told the Person, with a Smile.

It didn't take long until the Girl to notice the three, and happily walked up.

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