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Flashing LED lights, loud music, and drunk teenagers welcomed me as I walked through the door. Parties are normally not my thing but, getting stuck as the designated driver for the night was. I was supposed to be keeping an eye on my drunk and rowdy friends when a voice that wasn't my own cuts through my thoughts.

"Hey, hot stuff." A rough voice shouts at me as I walked into the room. The voice belonged to a guy about my age. He had himself stabilized against the wall with a cup in his hand. In a different situation he would be my type, tall, brunette, with deep brown eyes. Yet for some reason I felt uneasy as his eyes raked over me.

"I'm sorry, are you talking to me?" my voice came out shakier than I would have liked and I can feel the blush crossing my cheeks. In a few long strides he had pushed himself off the wall and was now in front of me. The smell of alcohol that emanated from him is overwhelming and a sick to my stomach feeling washes over me.

Suddenly as he leaned closer to me, I realized who this guy was. Jay Hunter, the Casanova of Oakwood high school. He isn't a jock nor is he the type you bring home to mom. He was just a good-looking ass that had made his way into almost every girl's panties. Now it seems he was trying to make his way into mine.

"Who else would I be talking to, beautiful." A wide child like grin spread across his face as he bowed his head to look into my eyes. Slowly I step back, trying to escape his gaze. Never in my life have I felt so uncomfortable. As I take one more step away from him my back hits something hard and warm. Then suddenly two arms snake their way around my waste protectively. This is where most girls would start to scream or fight, yet I don't even look back. Only one person can make me feel as warm and safe as these two arms make me.

"Leave her alone Jay. She obviously doesn't want to be around you." Deep and stern is the voice coming from behind me. My heart tells me to turn around and thank the man behind me, but my eyes refuse to move from Jay.

"Aw come on Peyton, I just want have a little fun." Those deep brown eyes take another look up and down my body. My back pushes even farther into Peyton's firm chest and I can almost feel the anger rise inside him. Jay had just looked at me like a starved lion would look at a baby gazelle that's all alone. I was now beyond more than uncomfortable but, Peyton's arms were still wrapped around me, providing all the comfort they could.

"Leave her..." a sharp screech cuts Peyton off before he could finish. Everyone begins looking around in shock and horror. Then the ear-splitting noise comes again and everything goes black.

Slowly my eyes peel themselves open as I try to untangle myself from my blankets. The annoying sound of the alarm clock continues to blare in my ear. With a tired and frustrated yawn, I turn it off the alarm. Still lying in bed, I think over the dream I just had. How can someone you've never been with; make you feel so safe, even if it's just a dream? 

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2020 ⏰

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