I cannot take it any more my mate !!

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Picture of Toby _____________
I had woke up really early it was about 9:59 in the morning ......I got out of bed and went to take a shower..........i put on some skinny jeans a belly shirt I put on my Jordan's ........got the keys of my car and headed downstairs .......... Andrews car wasn't not here .......I got in my car and drove to the mall .....I forgot my purse so I went back inside grabed my purse and headed out side......got in my car and drove away .......
"Ring ....ring ....ring "
The silence in the car was broke from my phone ringing I picked it up and saw the caller I.D it was Haley ................
"Good morning sis yes........."
"We're you go Liam is looking for you ........he is in my room sitting down on the couch ........"
"Hold on I cannot hear you what's that sound in the background .,........"
"Is Eric his knocked out he went to sleep late last nigth.. "
"Oh okay put Liam on the phone....."
I heard little footsteps coming towards the phone ........
"Liz where are you ........"
"It's okay I'm driving to the mall I'm getting you a surprise for your xbox don't worry baby is okay stay with Haley and Eric and later when and Andrew wakes up you could play games with him.....okay..."
"Okay thanks mom hahaha.."
"You welcome hunny now put your aunt on the phone ....."
I mean Liam calls me Liz but I guess he got tired of calling me that and dessided to call mom ....I mean he says I act like his mom ....I miss his mom to she was my best Freind I met her twice but I never knew that she had a son.....
"Yes Liz "
"Can you stay with Liam is fast when I come home all get him back I have a surprise for him ....."
"Yeah sure I mean where having fun right now ....."
"What are you guys doing ..."
"Painting on Eric's face where putting make up on his face ....."
"Hahaha we'll you better run before he finds out ...."
"Okay bye sis be careful love you bye......"
"Okay bye me to ...."
"Wow they are crazy haha bowhead in to the mall " I told my self
I arrived at the mall in time I parked my car beside ......... a gtr 500 that was Andrews car you could tell by the sticker in the at and his license plate.....maybe his with lusy his mate who's my Freind .......I got out of my car took my purse locked my car and headed inside the big mall I went to games stop to get some games for Liam and Andrew ..............
"Uhhh which games woul they like better call of duty black ups 2 or need for speed ......uhh all just take them both ....now two more games and another xbox controller ......okay I'm taking this two other games now I'm trying to find the gold addition for the xbox ....."
"Mam do you need help with some thing " the helper from games shop came and helped me find the goald addition for the xbox
"Yes um.... I need to find the Goald addition for the xbox please we'll Xbox 360 controller "
"Yes is right here ......"
"Thanks sir ...."
I got everything I needed I went to pay for it ........once I was living games stop ..... I heard Andrews voice coming from behind me it simes that he was not with lusy he was with Toby ....maybe It was lusy but I just deal with that I walked out and out the mall to my car ....
"Liz what are you doing out here ....."
"Ohh hey Andrew , lusy "
I was not paying any attention I open the trunk of my car and put the bags in the trunk and I closed it and headed to the drivers side to open the door
"It's Toby not lusy , lusy is at home waiting for you to get home ..."
I turned around and saw Andrew and Toby with bags in there hands
"Oh ....uhh sorry I though you where with lusy ...."
"No I went to buy something for the downstairs room that is going to become a gaming room ....."
"Oh okay I just bout some thigs for you and Liam ...."
"What you buy ..."
"You'll see when you get home ...now go I'm living right now ."
"Oh we'll okay ...."
Andrew snaked his arm around my waist and placed a kiss on my cheeck then I remember he had his mate this son of a bitch things I'm a toy.......
I heard a growl come from Toby chest .....
"Drew you have a mate who is my best Freind I'm not a toy for you okay so stay away we are only freinds ....."
"We'll before that all happen you where my toy ...."
"Toby you alright ..."I asked Toby but his eyes change to black I had a feeling he was going to attack Drew
"Get your fucking hands off my mate ........"!!!!
Oh shit I'm living out of here ...
"Calm down Toby is okay ...."I walked up to him and cuped his face with my hands .......his eyes turned back to its normal color ...
"Okay we'll I'm living before Liam and Haley get chanced aroud the house by Eric ..."
I turned around and walked to my car I got in the drivers sear closed the door and started the car .....I found my sunglasses I put them on and took off.....
Toby's P.O.V
I saw how Andrew snaked his hand around my mates body .....I wanted to rip his head off ......the silence broke from her cupping my face with her small hands and sweet words that came to me .....
"Okay we'll I'm living Liam and Haley get chanced around the house by Eric ...."
She turned around and started her car and drove away ......I jumped in the passenger seat of drews car .......
"Get in the fucking car now !!!!
"Okay hold on let me put this bags in the back ...."
Drew got in the car and we drove away ...........
"Drive fast ....."
"I'm driving fast ...."
We arrived home she was parking her car she got out and pooped the trunk open picking up the bags and locking the car ......the front door open this little kid about the age of 10 came out running towars her she put the bags down on the floor and the kid ran to her arms she gave a hug .......the kid helped her get the bags and carried them inside closing the door behind them .....we parked next to her car .....I got the bags and walked inside the house Andrew fallowing behind me .....we went to the empty room which was going to be the gaming room we sat the paint down and figured out what we where ganna do .....
Lizbeth P.O.V
I drop off the things on my room and walked back downstairs I decided to make breasfeast for the pack I had finishes and sat the food down on the island I called out breastfeast is ready everybody grader up and took platesand eat .....I didn't see Drew or Toby so I went got two plates and surved food in them and walked to the gaming room I knocked the door softly
"Hey guys open the door is me Liz ..."
The door open and Toby and Drew came out ....
"I brought you guys some breastfeast and why wrong ...."
"Nothin we can figure out what to make or to paint..."
I looked at Drew and then at Toby who was staring at me up and down .....I giggled at that ...
"All be back okay ...." I turned around and ran to my room getting some shorts and a shirt ....I was bear footed I ran back down stairs
"I'm back .."
"What do you think your going to do ...."
I looked Andrew who was still eating on the floor next to Toby .....I put my hair up in a pony tail ,....
"I'm going to help you ....I you want it to be a gaming room you have to do some painting of a games ....you get me ...."
I looked at Toby who looked up at me and smiled at me .....
"Uhh okay then we have paint over there ....."
"Do you have a radio ....just asking never mind ...."
I took my headphones and my phone and I played my dubstep I was singing to it .....
"Okay you guys do something else I want to work alone If you don't mind hahaha ..."
"Okay then we'll me and Toby would go run around the woods call me when your done ...."
"Okay I will bye .......oh and take Liam with you please ...."
"Who's Liam .."
"Mom Eric won't put me down "
"Eric put him down ....Liam your goin with Drew and Toby to go run in the woods ..."
"Yeah "
"Oh and don't lose him out of sight okay keep him save...."
"Okay we will ..."
I started to open the paint and started to paint the walls with baby blue .....it's was already 2:34 in the afternoon and I was still painting I had done a lot of games on the walls I did an Xbox and a controller and some cars and some guns I was finally done ....I started ripping of the paper that was on the floor the floor was clean the walls were done I was a great artist I diles drews number and called him
"Yes .."
"I'm done come back now and is everything okay.."
"Yes where heading back ..."
The gaming room door open I was not paying attention ....I started putting the paint back and cleaning the brushes ...I felt some warm hands on me I turned around to face Toby .....I could take it anymore I kissed hi me responded back to the kiss ....I finally kissed him ..........

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