Jolyne x Reader

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A lil jolyne fluffy uwu ehehehe
In this one you'll be kakyoins DAUGHTER HDHHDHD, yes AU where everyone lives!!! since you're jolynes age

Ouh this is also unedited :)

"It smells like ass in here," I grumbled while the guards forced me through the halls of the jail. I didn't intend on being kind, I was wrongly accused. I was in here for no reason. The guards didn't say anything to my comment, pushing me into a cell.
"Jolyne, this is your new cell mate. Don't cause any trouble, you two," one of the guards said, monotoned, before slamming the cell door shut. I scoffed and flopped onto the empty bed, mumbling curses and complaints under my breath.

I hadn't actually seen Jolyne's face, but I didn't really care. Yet.

"Stuck in here for no reason sucks ass, huh?" I heard a smooth, almost heavenly voice ask. I raised a brow at hearing her, she definitely didn't sound like she belonged here..
I turned my head to the side to see a girl, with beautiful dark hair and green bangs. She had vibrant green eyes, and gorgeous lips I couldn't help but think about kissing.

A small smile spread across my lips as the thought of sharing a cell with a girl this pretty.
"Yeah. Kinda does," I sighed, "how'd you know?"

She returned the smile, my heart fluttering.
I think I'm in love, oh my god..

"I can tell from how you're acting, after all, I also got framed," she replied, her smile falling a bit. I frowned at her sudden change of mood. She seemed like a genuinely nice girl, who would think of doing such a thing?
I sat up and faced her completely, crossing my legs on the bed. She noticed, and did the same.
"My names Sarah Kakyoin, it's nice to meet you," I grinned genuinely.

"Jolyne Cujoh," she smiled, causing my heart to beat faster, "nice to meet you, too."


"K-Kujo?" I asked quietly, my father would tell stories about his close friend, Jotaro..

Sadly, Jolyne and her father apparently weren't on great terms.. although it confused me, it wasn't my business.

What a shame, I thought to myself, father always made him out to be such a caring man..

We talked amongst ourselves for a while, learning that both of us weren't actually that bad of people. She had been framed of murder, something that isn't easy to just pull off..
"Arson?! Really?!" She almost yelled, jumping off her bed in shock. I chuckled at her reaction, patting the spot beside me. She sat herself beside me, turning to face me. 

So close
So close

A light pink dusted my cheeks while she stared into my eyes.
"I- uh, yeah. I got framed for arson, kinda stupid, right?" I said quietly, averting my gaze to the side slightly. She frowned, leaning over so that her face was in front of mine.
"Why don't you look at me?" She pouted, causing me to panic.
I quickly turned back to face her and started rambling excuses.
"N-no! It's not that I don't want to l-look at you! I- you're just-" my face heated up as I chose my next words, not thinking twice, "really.. pretty.." I mumbled.
She smiled and placed a hand on my shoulder, a light blush in her face, "you're quite pretty, too," she giggled quietly. I'm pretty sure I melted right then and there, hearing her words made my heart beat a mess. I turned to face her again, staring into her beautiful green orbs.

I couldn't take it anymore, she was so perfect.

"Your eyes are beautiful.." I mumbled as I leaned in towards her. A light smile spread on her lips as she followed my movements, also leaning in towards me. Our lips met for a moment, they were so soft and delicate.. perfection.

As we pulled away she grabbed my hand, holding to her cheek, "I think I might love you," she spoke just above a whisper. She rested her head on my chest as I chuckled quietly, tracing shapes along her back.

"I think I might love you, too.."

Jjba x readerWhere stories live. Discover now