1.2 [ Glowing spheres and bleeding ears ]

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The grey entity screamed as it escaped its containment

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The grey entity screamed as it escaped its containment. Windows shattered, cares flew up in the air, combined with the unlucky individuals driving the vehicles and young children echoed the wind's cries. Two glowing spheres rested in the eye of the borderline hurricane. The wind turned around its core, yearning to reach the two spheres, but somehow couldn't. It screamed in outrage as the invisible border once again refused to grant passage. Set on claiming the eyes the wind grew stronger, unconcerned with the collateral damage. Its goal wasn't to destroy, it didn't even seem to notice the havoc around it.

The trio fought against the raging storm, losing and finding their footing every few seconds. Tony reached behind his suit jacket, fumbling to locate his wristwatch. Once he found it, his fingers glided on the smooth surface, contacting JARVIS. Not shortly after that, a red dot appeared on the horizon. Tony's suit swerved and dodged through the onslaught of flying cars, street-lights and newspapers. His ears picked up nothing but white noise and were attacked with the symphony of chaos seconds later in a tiring cycle. His suit was only a few meters away when it was pulled into the hurricane, which instantly destroyed the billion-dollar suit. He screamed in outrage, as he saw his creation being torn to shreds.

He didn't have long to mourn the massacre, because the questionable lady- whom he'd met just before the city was overthrown by a wind-hurricane monster..?- was about to crash through the new trendy coffee shop's windows. She clawed at the air and lost her heel in the process. He saw her lips move, but no sound was able to reach his ears. Frantically, he looked around, tie and jacket whipping around him. Where was that pirate? His glasses tried to make sense of the situation, but the deadly combination of wind and dust rendered them useless. Pop-ups appeared in every corner, ranging from the number of endangered civilians to the local weather update -not very accurate at the moment- .

The woman was meanwhile holding on to a traffic sign for dear life, which was bending a bit more with each blow. Tony rushed over, pulling her down. The woman took off her other heel, having no use for it anymore. She tried once again to tell him something. He hopelessly shook his head and pointed to the manhole cover, pushing her in its direction.

¨We hav--ge- eye-- captur- havoc-¨ The woman screeched. She grabbed his arm and moved it from the manhole cover to the literal eyes of the storm. Her eyes went wide and pulled him down, narrowly avoiding a fatal clump of building. The brunette pointed to the glowing spheres and grabbed an invisible object.

Did she want to go in the eye of the storm to grab some glowy stones? That's insane, even by his standards. She hasn't got any protection, well he didn't either, but that wasn't the point. Won't be a good headline, 'Psychotic billionaire sends a young woman to an early windy grave'.

Tony pulled out his phone and quickly opened the notes app. The screen read: 'Go find cover, I'll deal with this!'. She grabbed her own phone -a model he had never seen before- and typed out a response. 'COVER!? THERE IS NO COVER! We need to secure the spheres!! This is no normal storm!¨ Wow, hadn't noticed. Thanks, Sherlock, a tiny voice in the back of Tony's head said. Instead, his reply was more civil. 'Well, what do you suggest we do then!?'

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2020 ⏰

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