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Knight reaper

Short summary:
A young king who becomes a mutant after his fathers death and is in the deep sleep in the sky waiting for Daventry.

Arnos 2:

Short summary:

A brave warrior who was a mutant but then requested the WITCH OF TREASON to become a human.His son is Knight Reaper.

Witch of TREASON:

Short summary:

A goth beautiful witch who has the power for everything and lives at her kings fortress.

Bishop Andrew:

Short summary:

Knight reapers trusted bishop who has the job of giving letters to reaper from the new king and people. Bishop Andrew has many characteristics,he is the general head of the tungsten army. He will never get old or have any weakness.


Short summary:

Evil enemy who is planning to kill the Asterins and is the leader of Daventry kingdom. His skin is grey. His eyes are bloody red and he looks like a black fog.

King philip:

Short summary:

The new king of Asterins. He is over confident, brave and a great warrior. He also believes his advisor and is clever.


Short summary:

He is the wise gate keeper since Arnos was alive. He contains the power of more then 45 lions.

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