Part 6

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I am feeling weird...

I know i myself have become weird lately... But this is different...

Yes... I feel weird like someone is noticing me... 

Initially i doubted whether it is Siddhant who is giving the weird feelings as usual...

But know.. i am used to Siddhant look and feel now...

This is not the same and it was not giving good feel inside me...

Does this mean.. the weird looks of Siddhant was giving good feel inside me???

I really dont know.. As usual.. its always confusions when it comes to Siddhant...

But again.. this is different... None of the feelings i am getting now is same as i get towards Siddhant...

I tried to locate who is that.. but was not successful...

Then i took the help of one of my friend in that apartment who came to talk to me...

'Sumana can you help me???' i asked...

'Tell me Roli.. what you want???' she replied...

'Can you stand facing me and casually talk.. in the meantime look around whether anyone is looking at me???' i said...

'Sure i will...' she replied and came to my front and stood facing me...

'Just keep your expressions casual and dont express anything on your face...' i cautioned...

'But what are you expecting.. i cant understand...' she expressed...

'Actually for past few days.. i am feeling like someone noticing me unknown to us...' i clarified...

Now she understood what i want to know...

She was talking to me casually and was looking around behind me...

In a while...

'You are right Roli.. i got the person...' she said...

'Who is that???' i asked...

'Its none other than the next block Naveen...' she said...

'Oh that guy... i was guessing it should be him...' i said...

Yes.. he was one of my guess.. because i noticed him looking at me different even when it happened to face him directly few times...

His eyes filled with lust looking at me always...

So he is the culprit... Ok... 

Now after knowing he is the one.. i can be cautious around him...

After that day... i felt he is coming behind me more than before...

Oh God... Why cant he leave me at peace....

But there is no solution for this problem too...

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