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"Uhhhhh Jonginnie?" Taemin moaned while giving a very pleasured face, biting his lower lip and closing his eyes as Jongin's hands starts to crawl from his abs down to his slowly growing erection.

"Aaaaoooohhh oppa.." Seolhyun wasn't able to keep herself from moaning out loud, as Jongin's other hand went underneath her shirt, pinching her nipples then going straight to her nether regions.

"Calm down, you two. I wanna do something.. I know we have our own schedule but tonight.. I want to experiment and I want to have both of you at the same time. Would that be okay? Taeminnie, do you mind watching me and Seolhyun and being watched by her as I take you?"

"If she doesn't mind with me seeing her nakedness and your action, it's fine with me."

"How about you, Ari? Do you mind watching me and Taemin and being watched by him as I take you?"

"It's Taemin oppa.. I don't think there's a reason to be bothered. I'm okay with it. And of course, if you want me to, I'd definitely do it."

"Yes, she's right. If my Jonginnie wants it then Taeminnie would also be game for it."

"I swear this would be very exciting and very hot. You'll never regret it and you'd ask for more. I love you two."

"Oppa? Cameras?"

"Yes. Just a little commemoration of what we would be doing. And so next time, we'd know what we've already done and try a different one. Would it be okay with you, Ari?"

"Yes oppa, I trust you."


"I'm okay with that, it's not like we don't have lots of videos uploaded on porn sites."

"Good. Okay. Can the two of you sit side by side at the sofa bed?"

"Is this another porn video?" Taemin asked with his cheeks about to explode because of his excitement.

"It's actually for my collection but if it turns great then maybe I'd upload it."

"Yay. Don't worry Seolhyun ah, our faces would be blurred. No need to worry about it."

"Okay. I trust the two of you. And if it's for Jongin oppa, I would definitely be game."

"That's my girl!" Jongin winked at Seolhyun as he pressed the camera's record button.

Taemin sat by the sofa bed and Seolhyun was on his left. Jongin's two lovers are nervous but excited with what he's up to but it was cut short when Jongin instantly leaned over to Taemin's face and kissed him, while Jongin's right hand travelled towards Seolhyun's clothed breasts.

"You.. taste.. so sweet.. my love. I love you.." Jongin mumbled in between his kisses with Taemin. After a few minutes, he ended the steamy session with a sweet kiss on Taemin's super plump lips to kiss Seolhyun next.

Jongin's kisses with Taemin was steamy but his kisses with Seolhyun were kitten like, with both their tongues playing and licking each other's lips. Of course, Jongin's right hand didn't stop. Actually, the moment he started kissing Seolhyun, his left hand started rubbing Taemin's crotch, feeling Taemin's cock waking up with every touch.

"Ari.. my sweet love. My loves, let's take the shirts off." Jongin helped Taemin and Seolhyun take their shirts off. Since Seolhyun is still wearing a bra, Jongin helped her unclasp it while Taemin lifted Jongin's own shirt up. In a minute, the three of them are all half naked.

"Ah, what a beautiful view.. but you know what would make it more beautiful? Taemin, jeans off and princess Ari, tights off." Without any hesitation, Taemin unzipped his jeans and pulled it down to his legs until he kicked it off away from his body. Seolhyun slowly and gently took her tights off, careful not to rip it off because of excitement.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2020 ⏰

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