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A/N ; please listen to "Everyone Is Gay" by The Great Big World. it's freaking awesome.
"band aids dont fix bullet holes."
zayn's pov ;

After about five minutes, I lost Harry. I was planning on staying with him cause I know he would take care of me if I got wasted, even though he said he wouldn't. So many people were grinding and making out, its disgusting.

"Hey ZAYN." Perrie said, jumping on me from behind. I jumped a little, startled.

"Jesus Christ, Perrie. Don't do that." I said, pushing her off me. She was obviously drunk shitless.

"Babeee, wanna go upstairssss?" She asked, swaying a little. I shook my head.

"Ew Perrie. No. We aren't together anymore remember? Or are you too drunk?" I said, starting to walk away but she grabbed my hand. She turned me around and pulled me close.

Then, she pressed her lips against mine, harshly. I stood there shocked. I froze. I didn't move, why didn't i move? Her hands quickly trailed down my body, her hands touching my rear greedily.

I tried pushing her away lightly, with no luck. Damn, how is she so strong? Finally, I was able to pry myself from her hold and pushed her away.

"What the fuck! You can't do that Perrie!" I yelled, wiping her disgusting taste off my lips. She giggled, drunkly and skipped away. I groaned and buried my face in my hands.

I need a drink.


I wobbled through the large ass house, swallowing my 4th bottle of beer. My vision shook and my head pounded. I felt high. It's only 4 beers, I can't believe I'm that sensitive.

I continued to wobble through the house, stumbling into many other drunks. After a couple minutes of mindless wondering, I stumbled into a unsuspecting lad with curly hair. Huh, he looks familiar but I can't place it.

"Zayn! I was looking for you everywhere! We gotta go, Z." The lad said, taking me hand and pulling me towards the door.

"Nooooo," I whined, pulling away. "I don't wanna gooo." The boy simply shook his head and picked me up. I screamed. This stranger is trying to take me away!

"Help!! I'm being kidnapped!" I yelled, hoping someone would come help me.

"What the fuck Z!?" The curly haired guy yelled. I continued to try wiggling out of his hold but damn he's strong af.

God, he's so familiar. Wait a second...

"Harryyyy?" I slurred and stopped squirming.

"Now you recognize me?" He says, putting me down and leading me to where Louis parked his car.

"Hey Harry."


"You look really sexy tonight."

"W-What? Zayn are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Come here." I said, motioning for him to come closer. What are you doing Zayn?! Are you out of your mind?

Harry cautiously inched closer to me. I stared into his deep green eyes with want. He bit his lip, hesitantly, which drives me nuts. I place my hand on his cheek and rub circles against the skin with my thumb. Fuck, he's so beautiful.

"Zayn, your dru-" I cut him off by attaching my lips to his. We moved in sync as I slipped my arms around his waist. I could tell he wasn't sure about the whole situation but it felt to good to pull away. This feeling.... I've been dreaming of since... Well... I dunno.

Harry pulled away and stared at me with pure shock and happiness. But it soon faded away.

"Your drunk..." He said, running a hand through his thick locks.

"Soo, your a good kissssserr." I giggled. He shook his head and let out a shaky sigh.

"I don't know if you've guess already but I really like chu Harree." I giggled again, giving Harry a big sloppy kiss on the cheek. "I have dreams about you and I, being in a re-lay-chon-chip."

"Oh Zayn. If only you really meant it. Let's get you home." He said, pushing me into the car. He left for a couple minutes and came back with a very tipsy Niall and a sort-of sober Louis.

"I'll drive since I'm the only sober guy here." Harry said.

He's so cuute.


Isn't it so nice to wake up with a disgusting taste of alcohol and a major headache? Yeah, I didn't think so.

I couldn't remember anything from last night which could be a good thing or a bad thing. I'll just ask Harry later. I doubt he got drunk.

I glanced around the room and realized that it wasn't mine. The room looked familiar, like I've been here before, but I can't remember. I got out of the surprisingly comfortable bed and entered the hallway. Oh, this is Harry's house. He must've taken me here last night. I smelled bacon so I rushed down the stairs and into the kitchen to find Harry cooking breakfast.

"Morning Haz." I said, slipping onto a stool. He nodded, not turning to look at me. I frowned. Did something happen last night?

"Um, what happened... y'know.. last night?" I swallowed a lump that was forming in my throat. Harry froze and tensed up.

"Nothing really." He replied, relaxing a bit. I frowned and played with the end of my sleeve, nervously. What if I said something last night? What if I made a move on him?! I blushed at the thought.

"Did I... Kiss you?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows. He slowly turned around and nodded, focusing his eyes on the ground.

"Oh fuck, I'm so sorry! I was drunk, it was a mistake! It meant nothing, I swear!" I spit out, even though I probably enjoyed it. I continued to spit out complete bullshit as Harry continued to stare at the floor. His eyes became watery and a single tear slipped down his face.

"Please, shut up Zayn." I whispered, barely audible. I stopped.

"What's wrong Haz?" I asked. "I told you it meant nothing, you aren't my type. I mean, if I liked boys." I said, fidgeting with a salt shaker. He shook his head.

"Are you that oblivious!?" He choked out, more tears streaming down his face. "Get out!" He said, wiping his tears away.

"Harry, I-"

"Save it. Leave."


"Please...." I decided it was no use to argue with him.

What does he mean by, 'Are you that oblivious'?

Wait.. Does he-

Fuck, I'm such an idiot.


ew im a shit writer lol

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