Arc One; Part Two

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Ceces pov:
As i unlock the door and he climbs in i look him up and down. He looks like he's Been through hell and back. He just sit there unmoving as if he were a stone statue. About twenty minutes later he tries to start a conversion with me it through all his stuttering and confusion i just ignore him and continue driving. The drive was silent to me as i was trying to sort out everything that just happened in the last hour. But as I approached my cabin i could hear the faint. Whispers of the ghost man trying to talk to me. "Well i guess he has a physical body so i cant keep calling him the ghost man" i say internally as I get out of the car, grab my stuff and make my way to the cabin door i realized that guy hasn't even gotten out of the car. I don't even think he realized that I had left. I walk back and tap on his window. " hey dude you gonna get out or what.. you look like a blowup doll in my passengers seat." Apparently this gets his attention and he climbs out o the vehecile and makes his way behind me to the door. That this point I'm still a bit suspect of him so i goin first and get settled then I let him in. I'm sitting on the couch watching the tv as he just start sin the middle of my living room like a baby deer. I men air I hadn't seen him sever a critics head not and hour ago I would've pegge him for. Nothing mor than a lost teenager.

[As I'm getting lost in my train of thought he begging to speak, " so... umm ... can i.." he points to the bathroom and i nod. After this he disappears for TWO FUCKING HOURS. Like i have no idea what he did in that bathroom I heard no water running i barley noticed that he had turned on the lights and It was just silent until i hear the door opening. He comes out of the bathroom looking like he hadn't just fought with a cripdid for go knows how long in the blue ridge mountains of North Carolina. The scar on his face , wild looking hair, and all cuts scraped and bruises just fucking gone.]

I look at him like hey has two heads " um dude what the actual he'll did you do in my bathroom,but it more Importantly did you do to my bathroom?!?!" Eh looks at me with the most innocent look possible like he's asking " what ever do you mean?". I know he's fucking lying , i kn he's just joking with me. "Okay dude I don't know where you think you are but you can fuck outta here with that poppy cock shit because its too late fro this. I saw everything you di in the pat hour including all those scars that just magically disappeared, you fighting the goat man and ur lil stutter sesionoin teh car. yo dusty crusty teen wolf looking as gonna explain to me what teh hell is happening bc at this point you've effectively ruined my high and i need some sort of compensation!"i sit down heated as i look at this boy that looks as itches about to cry. I felt a little guilty but i knew i had to stand my ground, so I jus stared at him with my arms crossed. He begins to walk over to. The couch and sit down on teh on their end. I look at I'm as he starts to speak. " Gabriel.. you?" " CeCe..." " cece.. hmm.. age?" " 18... you?" " 203.." just hum in response a si turn my attention back to teh television. He looks so confused and I assume its about the fact that he just told me he's two hundred and three years old and i jut kinda brushed it off. " why are you nit surprised by my age! Aren't you gonna ask if I'm lying, or what i am?" I look at him kinda blankly " Gabe i just.. i don't see you being normal after fighting the goat man .. so naturally i assumed you were some type of supernatural being and after everything that'd happened tonight you being two hundred and three is the least of my problems.."

im about to leave when Gabre grabs my wrist. " okay ill answer your questions." " what are you ?" " cant answer that.. that's teh super secret.." " okay well can you at least tel me what you do?" I watch's gabe looks constituted serching fri an answer that not 'super secret' to explain what happen tonight. " hmm.. cripdids.." i stare at him and ask in a confused tone " what about them...?" " i ...well we hunt cripdids ... it's like a group of us and there are three major groups between Europe and North America." " so you hunt stuff like teh Jersey devil....." " oh no why would we unt him he's so ...." i watch as Gabe goes pale. I look around and ask him what's wrong but he dosnet answer me. He look at me and asks me if there is anything else i wanna know." I ask him some more questions about how teh groups are set up and how they run. From what he tells me there is a "head family" that handles all the missions and interaction with teh government. Ten there are lesser family within each guild that have specific jobs like medics, informants and warriors. I ask him about his life and he explains that he got adopted into the group when one of teh member found him . He starts To go on this whole tangent about who that ember is father figure to him but he'd never let him know and i think it super sweet. Gabe is starting to sound sorta like me a young and dumb kinda approach on life. ]

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