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Jungkook was at work as he looked through papers he was looking at his rolex on his watch checking the time smiling as he sighs signing some papers for work moving his hair back showing his exposed forehead

" I'm sure I'd be more stressed if I had dad's company too " The younger says to himself chuckling

After the younger got out of work, he looked through stuff as his driver was driving home

" Sir, will you go to the hideout? "

" Is there a reason to? "

" Just to check on things "

" I'll call hobi and yoongi "

" Yes sir "

Jungkook calls them and they tell him everything is taken care of since they were the two right hand men he cared if they were hurt or in danger he did take care of them but he didn't wanna treat them badly

He goes home as he looked through work he crossed his legs moving his hair back he finishes putting it away stretching getting banana milk carton drinking it smiling relaxing as he was in a sweatshirt and shorts holding the small carton

Meanwhile with taehyung, he was working out as his tattoos and muscles showed since he was shirtless jimin came to him holding a water bottle

" Tae? How'd the romantic gesture go? "

" Not sure if he's actually into romantic gestures "

" It said in his information files "

" Is he even into it? He's never been in a relationship? "

" No he hasn't been in a relationship so if you manage to make him yours he doesn't know what it feels like "

" Of course not but don't worry I'm gonna keep trying I think he does like romantic gestures just needs a simple push "

" Like what? "

" he is a goody two shoes so don't worry he'll be puddy in my hands "

" So how are you gonna make him fall for you? "

" First, I need to find his type of guy "

" Do you think he even has a type? "

" He has to he might have not dated anyone but I need to get information out of him one way or another "

" Why not just use his other members? "

" He's the leader jimin I need him personally "

" Okay well we gotta do something, should I find more information about him? "

" Yes Thank you "

Jimin nods leaving as he moves his blonde hair back taehyung drank the water bottle holding a towel thinking

" I wonder if that goody two shoes does have a type of boy? "

Meanwhile with jungkook, he was at a shooting range twirling his gun as hobi had to take care of him watching him

" Phew that was nice " Jungkook says then gets a call from his assistant answering " Yes? "

" Sir, you have a interview today the interviewer is already here "

" Alright I'm headed over there "

jungkook hangs up then hobi drives him to the building then leaves the younger goes to his office clearing his throat as his assistant knocks

" Sir, do I let him in? "

" Yes please "

His assistant lets him in as it was jimin having a notepad dressed in office uniform clearing his throat having his hand out to shake his

" Hello Mr. Jeon, I'm Mr. Park I'm here to interview you of your successful business.. "

" Ah yes thank you for taking time out of your hectic schedule to come interview me " Jungkook says shaking his hand as they sat down

" Can I start Mr. Jeon? I must tell you these questions are the ones the public asked not our company "

" Yes I completely understand please continue "

" Okay, first question, What is your type of man or woman if you were in a relationship? "

" Well first of all, I don't find women attractive I'm actually into men.. Girls don't care at the least, they still try to make me straight "

" Alright, then what is your type of men? "

" Type huh? I've never been in a relationship so I've hardly thought about it but my type of man would be a bad boy type, tattoos, handsome, has a good body and works out, and romantic someone to love me for me and not my wealth plus a animal in the sheets.. " Jungkook chuckles to himself as jimin writes it down nodding

" Don't worry Mr. Jeon these won't be released to the general public "

" Thank you, shall we proceed? "

" Yes we should.. "

After the interview, jimin bowed to jungkook then leaves he had killed the actual interviewer and decide to only dress up like one he left getting the clothes off

Jimin headed to taehyung's huge penthouse apartment then goes in having a spare key the older had finished work sighing

" Hey tae I got something you might like "

" Is it soju? "

" No something better "

" What could possibly be better? "

" I found out jungkook's type of man "

" Wait how?! "

" I killed the interviewer who was gonna interview him and I dressed up like him so yeah "

" The fact you can say that so calmly.. What did you find out? "

Jimin gives him the notepad as taehyung took it raising an eyebrow reading it

" Bad boy, handsome, good body, romantic and tattoos "

" I'm already these just not romantic "

" Tae, you're not a bad boy either "

" Care to say that again? " Taehyung says twirling his gun on his finger

" What I meant is, you're a gang leader so you're not technically bad bad you're just dangerous "

" Don't worry I'll act like the bad boy type he wants as for you jimin thank you for giving me useful information "

" No problem good luck with your bastard "

" Thanks "

Jimin sighs getting in the car as someone specific was driving he was covered in tattoos as it was his boyfriend Yoongi knowing about their gangs

" Babe, what do you even do here? " Yoongi says

" I just make sure my best friend isn't acting stupid baby " jimin replies as he pulls him close kissing him deeply licking his tongue then pull away " Can we skip dinner? "

" Sure but we're going right after car sex " Yoongi says smirking yanking his hair making him look up as jimin smirked as well liking it

" Yes daddy "

They leave somewhere private as for taehyung he thinks over and over raising an eyebrow rolling his eyes

" Great, I have to make this bunny fall in love with me, more work to do "


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