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                               ! No one's P.O.V !
   It was a normal noon in the void. The gang was doing there own practical stuff. The bright and silly skeleton was cooking for the gang. The two scientist was working on there usual schedule. The blind skeleton and the 'grumpy' skeleton was sitting down on the couch as usual.
   Like I said the usual stuff. Well not for those who was out of the gang. 
Ah yes, eveybody knows what skeleton I'm talking about. The mischief skeleton, Swapfell. 
 He was working in the lab, maybe or maybe not working on some gruesome things.
As he silently waited for his songbird to pass by.

    Recently, Swapfell noticed he've been going to.. Open for Maestro. 
As Swapfell thought more of what happened last check-up. He clenched on one of his tubes that fill with bright purple-ish pink substance. 
  Swapfell quickly glanced up, to see he cracked his tube. He then quickly pour the minimal of what he supposed too. And pour the rest in a uncracked tube. 
   He closed his eyes, and pinched them both.  

     He harshly sighed. "What the hell am I supposed to do..?"
He then remember the rest of the parts in the hospital. Strangely enough there was holding cells.  
 But another thing blinked at him. How was he suppose to make Maestro fall into his.. Well cage.
Swapfell's eyes suddenly turned bright. He then went to his main part of his lab, and started to mix chemicals together.

        ! After some time Later !

         After and hour or so. Swapfell's 'songbird' or Maestro came in. Just as Swapfell was done, he stuffed something in his pocket and teleported to Maestro. 
  "Hey there..~" He sang with a smile. 
"Eek!" Maestro squeled, and quickly turned around to see shark like grin. 
"Could you not scare me like that!" Maestro huffed at Swapfell, with his eyes closed. 
   "Sorry, love~. Just was kinda excited." Swapfell smiled.
Maestro then open his eyes, with a part of annoyance. 
  "For the last time. Refrain from the wretched name." Maestro informed. 
"Whatever you say....Love..~" 
"Anyways, could you please go to the main room, love." Swapfell courtly said.
Maestro, who still have a stubborn look on, glanced at Swapfell.
 "...Do thee have more grotesque experiments?" Maestro spat. 
"Ouch! Really love, what makes you in such a bad mood today?~" Swapfell asked. With his hands on his soul.

   Maestro who still have a stubborn face on him, sighed. "I'm... Supposed to be at my sons birthday." Maestro sighed. 
 Right then, Swapfell clenched on his own arms, deciding what to do. As his bother shiver with coldness. One part of him, is telling him to let him free, the other is telling him to do it now.
  As Swapfell decided, he harshly sighed. 
    "Go." He said. His eyes turned harshed, but looked away. 
"Hm?" Maestro hummed. 
"Go." Swapfell said, but more harsher. 
Maestro was puzzled for a second but quickly snapped out. "O-Oh! Thank thee!" He smiled. 
  "Yes yes, but tomorrow you have to come back.. And also I'll have you longer then usual." Swapfell said with a cold tone. 
 "..." Before Maestro went out, he glanced at Swapfell. "..Ok." He said, and swiftly left.

    Swapfell quicklyed walked away to his quaters. 
Swapfell glanced at the paper. He's already far behind schedule. Swapfell, then looked at his memory journel. 
   He had a slight growled as he remember the past few days with Maestro. 
 As he remember how he told him so much about him, how so.. Vunerable he was. He gripped some liquids and smashed them to the ground.
  Swapfell glanced at his paper and what experiment he was supposed to be on. He then look at one of his more dangerous experiments. 
  Which wasn't ready, and he needs more time with Maestro with that one. 
   Swapfell grabbed the pills from his pockets and looked at the deep black abyss. 

                He knows what he wants to do..

             ! The Next Day !
 As Swapfell waited for Maestro, he had a creep smile on. Knowing nothing is holding him back this time. 
   Swapfell lighten up when he heard Maestro's light foot steps. Swapfell quickly teleported behind Maestro. "Hi there..~" Swapfell chirped again. 
"E- Oh! Hi Swapfell!" Maestro chirped nicely, as he turned around. 
Swapfell glanced as he saw Maestro holding something. "Hm..? Whats this?~" Swapfell questioned. 
  "It's from my sons birthday party!" He said as he handed, the paper plate to Swapfell. As Swapfell was handed it, he placed in a near by table. 
  "Well. Thank you my love..~" Swapfell smiled.
"Anyways, we have somethings important to do. Now lets hurry." Swapfell said as he went to his quaters.
  As Maestro trailed behind him. Swapfell was tossing Maestro's pills in his pockets.

   As they were in Swapfell quaters, Swapfell asked him to be near one of the tables. 
Swapfell then slided some water over him, and placed a one or two pills right near him. "These are experiment pills. When you swallow them.. Tell me how you feel..~" Swapfell told to Maestro.
   Maestro glanced at Swapfell in suspicioun. "W...What will it do?" Maestro asked. 
Swapfell placed a finger on his mouth, and think for a while. 
"Well you have to try it to see it..~" Swapfell sang.
Maestro gave off a small frown, but he then swallowed the pill.

   After a minute, "So..~ How do you feel love..?~"Swapfell asked, as he gently pushed Maestro on a chair. 
 "....A..A little t-tired." Maestro said, silently. 
"Good..~" Swapfell smiled.

    Maestro's eyes began to get heavy, and everything around him turn dark...

               ! Some time later !
Maestro began to regain conscious. As he steadily woken up. His surroundings seem.. Off. Maestro felt somethings around him. It was a few pillows and a bed. 
  He quickly stood up, and then quickly went in a daze. "Ah.." He muttered as he tried to regain balance. 
    "Now.." He then looked up to see himself in a cage. He quickly wiped off some dust on him, and looked around what's outside of it. 
"What in heav-"
"Oh..! My songbird is awake!~" Swapfell happily clapped. 
  "W..Whats going on?" Maestro asked in confusion. 
"Well, there was a.. Disturbance in our testing schedule. And after finding the problem..! Oh! The problem was.."
  "You. And well, you were just a specimen to me. And I'm still wondering, what made me so damn vunerable near you." He growled harshly at me.

    Maestro eyes turned into confusion and to emptiness. 
"So, what I decided, to well, keep our distance, is well..." Swapfell said, as his hand motioned to the cage. 
   Maestro seem so lost but he had so many questions. 
"So.. Thou will keep me in here, like a vicious animal?"
"..I won't say vicious. Anyways, I think you remember our reward and punishment system.. Right?~" Swapfell said with a grin on his face. 
  "Well..! If you follow my instructions, maybe, I can upgrade your little room." 
"I...- Swapfell.." Maestro said. 
  "Yes,love?~" He asked. 
  Maestro looked at Swapfell, Maestro eyes are asking him, 'What made thou think.. This will be the best idea?"
 Swapfell chuckled, and looked at Swapfell with a content smile.

  He just shook his head and left.

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