Part 1: Unfortunate Shit

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Clear had pictures of what it would be like, and it tore his heart in two. He glanced at Aoba, who was staring into space, his slightly swollen tummy ruining his perfect slim figure. Clear had seen this before, very few men had it. They had women's reproductive systems. But how would Aoba give birth to this child?

There were two possibilities; Aoba's child ended up seriously harmed, or Aoba did. Clear could barely imagine Aoba in a wheelchair, separated from the world. 'It's my fault. My lust controlled me. I should know better, being smarter than anyone.' Clear thought to himself. A tear slipped down his cheek.

Aoba nestled up to Clear, the two turning their attentions to the beautiful sunset over the island. Clear let his worries slip out of him. His love was happy, so he was happy.

The two awoke the next morning on the roof where they had been sitting together, Aoba's head in Clear's lap. The sun was rising, it was beautiful for Aoba, but not as much as Clear was beautiful to him. He looked up into Clear's pink eyes with his own blue ones and smiled.

The two got down and went to Clear's apartment. Aoba curled up on the sofa and fell asleep once more, Clear put a blanket over him and went on his computer. He tapped gently on the keyboard, so not to wake Aoba, sleeping cutely.

At around 8AM, Aoba woke up once more. "I have to go to work," he told Clear, putting on his coat, headphones and boots, which he had taken off and picking up his bag. Clear nodded, kissing Aoba's forehead. "Come back here afterwards, promise?" Clear asked. Aoba nodded.
"Promise." He replied.

Aoba sat in the Junk Shop, bored, Ren (who was clueless about him being pregnant) at his side. "Ren," Aoba said, looking at his AllMate. Ren looked up at him.
"Yes, Aoba?" Ren replied.
"Have you ever had a secret?" Aoba asked, not realising how suspicious he was acting. "Why do you ask?" Ren replied slyly. Aoba shrugged.
"I just wondered if AllMates had feelings." Aoba said, staring off into space.

Ren stared at him, not noticing that Aoba was sub-consciously holding his stomach. The Junk Shop had no customers so Aoba was allowed to leave early, he took Ren and went to see Tae. "Tae-San, I'm home!" Aoba called. Tae came to where Aoba was standing. She looked at him, confused.

"What's wrong?" Aoba asked.
"Nothing, nothing." Tae replied.
"I'm going to see Koujaku, bye!" Aoba lied, he wasn't going to see Koujaku, he was going back to Clear. He didn't want Tae to know, she was very protective of Aoba, and she wanted him to live a long, unsuspecting, careless about his past, happy life. No matter what.
Aoba (now almost five months pregnant, sorry for the huge time skip! So now everyone knows, probably including Toue!!) sat alone in Clear's apartment, waiting for Clear to return. He was super bored. He tried to use Clear's computer but it was far too much effort to turn on and set up. He tried to watch TV but there was nothing good on. He sighed.

Aoba heard a knock on the door. Who would be knocking now? Clear doesn't get visitors. Aoba went to get it, opening the door only slightly. "W-who is it?" He asked, trying to keep his voice from quivering. "Are you Seragaki Aoba?" An unfamiliar voice asked. "No." Aoba lied in response, scared now. The source of the voice pushed the door open, now able to fully see Aoba. Aoba wrapped his arms around his swollen stomach defensively.

"Come with us and no one gets hurt." The source of the voice said. He looked a lot like Clear. "C-Clear?" Aoba replied, confused now. The man laughed.
"No! That pathetic excuse for a droid? Per-lease! My name is irrelevant. Come with me, I might explain later." The man laughed. Aoba stepped back.
"What do you want with me?!" Aoba asked. The man stepped forward, reaching out his arm to the cowering Aoba. "Leave me alone, go! Get out now!" The man drew closer and closer, his arm almost touching Aoba. Aoba found himself cornered. He let out a desperate whimper as the man grabbed hold of him.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2014 ⏰

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