hold me while you wait - Garroth X reader

14 1 0

Warnings: angst, mentions of self harm (scratching), panic attacks

Characters: Mystreet cast 

A/u: none

A/n: vent whoops, also NOBODY CAN FIX YOUR PROBLEMS OR "SAVE YOU" FROM YOURSELF BUt sometimes you just need someone to be there with you when things are rough. Thank you. ~Sabrinna~


(Y/n) frowned as she felt her nails dig into her palms in frustration. She was trying to get her work done at her desk, but she felt blocked. She was finding it hard to read everything on the page, and she couldn't help but feel frustrated at every little thing that was going on in her life. 

She felt this deep sense of isolation and confusion in her stomach. She just couldn't pinpoint where it was all coming from. She just knew that she hated it.

Maybe she just needed more sleep, or to eat more. Or less. Anything to try and get herself feeling normal. She just NEEDED to feel normal again, any dose of serotonin in her body would be a blessing at this point. 

She stared hard into her page until hot tears were running down her cheeks. Ah loud groan escaped her throat and her hands jerked up to her eyes. She used her palms to push her eyes down into her sockets. 

"God, what is wrong with me..?" she asked out loud to nobody. She tried hard to keep her breath from getting too fast but it was no use. Soon, she was nearly hyperventilating. Her hands moved from her eyes to her elbows. She dug her nails into the soft skin of her arms and dragged it down to the start of her hands. She repeated this process a few times, leaving red marks on her skin. Tears continued flowing, and though she knew she was in the midst of a panic attack, she couldn't find it in her to bring herself back down from it like she'd learned to after many years.

This process of heavy breathing, scratching, crying and a deep feeling of isolation continued for a few minutes. Eventually, she managed to calm herself down enough to grip onto her phone and open it. She debated for a few minutes, but clicked on Garroth's contact to type out a message.

(Y/n): Brain full, come over please.

She left it brief and somewhat humorous. She didn't want to worry him too much. She just wanted him to be there with her in her panic induced state. 

Garroth: I'm on my way, Door unlocked?

Y/n: yes.

(Y/n) put her phone down and let out a long breath of relief. She placed her arms on her desk and let her head fall into them. All she had to do was wait a few minutes, that's all she had to keep telling herself. 

And she was right.

After a few minutes, she heard the door open from down the stairs of her house, followed by it closing and foot steps on the way up. 

The door swung open and she didn't bother to look up until she felt a larger hand on her back. She brought her face out of her hands and looked at Garroth, who was knelt down at her sides. He could feel her tense muscles under his slight touch, and his face was full of concern.

"Hey" He said, his soothing voice immediately bringing y/n back down from her isolated head space.She could hear him, she could feel him, she wasn't alone.

With this new found recognition of human life, she jumped right into the blonde boys arms. He was taken aback, but let her melt into him anyways. 

"Okay I'm gonna move you over to your bed, is that okay?" He asked, making sure that the frail girl in his arms could hear him and recognize what he was saying. She nodded simply and Garroth moved to grab under her knees. He picked her up and brought her over to his bed, where he sat next to her. 

"Is it okay if I lay with you?" He asked, keeping his voice low and steady. Garroth had experienced these types of situations on various different occasions with (y/n), so he knew what helped and what didn't. (Y/n) nodded again, emitting a small "Mhm.". Garroth crawled next to (y/n) and wrapped his arms around her. They sat in comfortable silence has her breathing slowed to normal speed. 

(Y/n) knew that Garroth wasn't going to solve this issue for her, but having someone there in the moment made all the difference. Knowing that she wasn't suffocating, that the world wasn't empty outside of her home walls. She needed that. And it wasn't a long term solution, but it was a start to figuring out how to find the help she needed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2020 ⏰

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