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enemies to lovers???

"WHAT?!" Iris shouted

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"WHAT?!" Iris shouted.

Hwayoung only shrugged her shoulders at the reaction.

"Sweetie, how do you not know your soulmate's name?" Iris asked.

"He was being an insolent jerk and never told me. I asked him nicely and he never answered!" Hwayoung replied, crossing her arms.

'Jay, I need your help.' Iris thought as she watched Hwayoung who had immense anger in her.

"What about your wrist?" Iris asked, looking at Hwayoung's wrist.

Hwayoung looked at her wrist that found CHENLE which she just groaned at.

"Right. That bastard made me forget about this. I can't believe now, I have his name on my wrist." Hwayoung complained.

"Oi! I can hear you trash talking me." Chenle shouted from his table.

Hwayoung's fiery eyes spotted the boy who was two tables away from her. She raised her eyebrow with annoyance and got up, walking towards him.

"So what?" Hwayoung asked him.

"Just shut up." Chenle retorted.

"Excuse me? How dare you talk to me like you're high and mighty." Hwayoung argued.

"I am," Chenle stated.

Hwayoung scoffed at his comment "Oh really? I'd like to see that. What should we do? Run? Game?" 

Chenle laughed at Hwayoung. "I don't do competitions with poor people like you."

Hwayoung furrowed her eyebrows with anger as she turned her hand into a fist.

"As if. I bet you're penniless." Hwayoung said to him.

Chenle gasped at her, "I am rich. Richer than you think."

"This is not what I thought when he met his soulmate," Jaemin said, frowning at their interaction.

"You wish! Everyone knows I'm the daughter of the CEO of A-Loft." Hwayoung said to him.

Renjun's eyes widened and Mark's eyebrows rose up. Chenle narrowed his eyes at Hwayoung.

"What a show-off," Chenle mumbled making Hwayoung frustrated.

She scrunched her already fist tighter but sighed- trying to calm her nerves. She loosened her fist and looked at Chenle with total calmness.

Chenle crossed his arms at the girl's sudden attitude change. Hwayoung flicked his forehead making him shout "HEY!"

"Look, you better meet me in two days at the track field," Hwayoung said, looking away from him.

"Why should I listen to you?" Chenle asked.

"Just do as I say. Next time you can tell me where to meet up." Hwayoung answered.

"So, we're meeting up on a Thursday?" Chenle asked.

Hwayoung only nodded and walked away towards the cafe.

Chenle sighed and drank his water whilst his friends stared at him.

"Dude, stop being so harsh on her," Mark said to him.

"Nope," Chenle answered.

"Guys, did you not hear her? She said she's the daughter of the CEO of A-Loft." Renjun whispered to the group.

"So?" Chenle retorted rudely.

"Alright, drama queen. You can calm down, she's no longer here." Jaemin said trying to calm Chenle.

"So..? What do you mean so? You know that the co-founder is somehow connected to Soul." Renjun explained.

"Yeah, he's your second target Chenle," Donghyuck added.

"What do you want me to do?" Chenle asked.

"Find out if Hwayoung is connected to Soul, that mafia is off the grid," Renjun said, dead-serious.

"What the hell? A girl like her? In Soul? No." Chenle retorted.

"Dude, you have the upper hand here. If Hwayoung visits her father and you go with her- who knows? You might see the co-founder's face." Jeno suggested.

"I'll just walk into the company and see him," Chenle said to Jeno.

"Right, waltz in and ask if the man is free," Jisung muttered- indicating the thought was ridiculous.

"The man is never free. He's always busy and because the co-founder and the founder are best friends, he knows Hwayoung. He'll be nice and comfortable around her." Donghyuck explained.

"Alright. So, when I meet up with Hwayoung, I'll just find a way to go to the company." Chenle said as they formulated a plan.

"By the way, I might have an idea who 60 is," Renjun added.

"By the way, I might have an idea who 60 is," Renjun added

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