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I woke up to a loud knock on my door, groaning I tried to sit up but something was holding me down, I opened my eyes and see Avery sprawled across me, we must have passed out while watching movies last night. The bed was covered in wrappers from the food last night, the knocking continued so I started poking Avery trying to wake her up. She groaned and rolled off of me settling back into sleep. I rolled my eyes and got up head up front.

"Yes?" I asked while opening the door. I heard a deep chuckle and looked up to see Jax leaning in my door frame.

"I'm sorry did I wake you up." He asked while his eyes slowly rose from my feet to my face. 

"Oh uh yes, but it is okay, just had a long night" I replied stepping back and gesturing for him to come in "please come in"

He stepped in and I shut the door behind him. "Long night huh? Surprised your boyfriend is not here" he questioned looking around.

"Well he is the reason I had a long night. He got a bit angry when he found out I went out with you for lunch, long story short we broke up, Avery came over and we were up late enjoying films and eating snacks" I replied while pouring a cup of coffee for him and myself, putting another mug in the microwave for when ever Avery wakes up.

"Oh well I am sorry for your break up, and the late night explains why you were still asleep at one in the afternoon" he stated as he took a sip of his coffee. I check the time and see that he was right, we really did sleep in that long.

"I cannot believe we slept in that long, at least myself, I have never been one to sleep in late, America is really changing me" I giggle.

"Yes, but we all hold onto our roots, like you're adorable accent" He winked with a smile, "but I actually came to ask if you would like to go to lunch with me today" he asked.

"I was actually planning on staying in today, not in a good mood for the paparazzi and camera's today, however you are welcome to stay"

"Sounds good, I am always one for staying in" He smiled leaning against my couch.

"Mmmm coffee" a voice sounded from the hallway, I look over to see Avery rubbing her eyes in the entryway to the living room. She stumbles over to the kitchen and plops into one of the island chairs. I smile and place the cup I made for her down and watch as she guzzles it down. "What's for lunch?"

"Well Jax and I were just talking, I was thinking of ordering Chinese and just laying low here"

"Jax? Where is he?"

"Um behind you" he piped in, she turned around with wide eyes, it was a slight but he gave her a look and she turned back around sipping on her coffee. I scrunched my brows together but shook it off. "Chinese however does sound good" he piped up after a moment of awkward silence. 

After quickly placing the order we all settled on the couch arguing over what movie to watch, Avery kept pushing Jax every time they disagreed, by the way they were acting they seemed to have known eachother for years, rather than a few days. They said they met a few days before my photoshoot but I do not know it's weird. But I shook off the feeling because I was probably just being paranoid because of Logan. We spent the rest of the day watching movies and eating whatever junk food Avery and I had not finished the day before. Around eleven at night they both said their goodbyes and headed home. I turned on my alarm system and headed back to my bathroom, I was in the middle of a shower when my phone started ringing. I got out and saw it was an unknown number, "hello?" I answered. 

"Nova?" A womans voice sounded through the speaker, she did not have an american accent, she sounded like she was from France

"Yes this is her" I replied

"Oh ma petite fille! Commue tu me manques!" 

"Maman?" I ask tears coming to my eyes.

"Yes my dear, they found you my love, we have sent Louis and Victor to collect you. Pack your things, you are coming home. They will be there within the next thirty minutes, hurry and be safe" she hurried out before the call ended. I stared at my phone for a moment before moving into action, I was almost done packing my bag when I heard my front door slam open. I quickly zipped up my bag and rushed over to my window, I threw it open and was climbing out when a hand roughly pulled me back into my room. I tried to see who grabbed me when a rag was shoved over my mouth, I tried to hold my breathe but gasped for air when the person hold me pinched my side hard. As I was slipping unconcious I felt the person pick me up and carry me out of the apartment, I felt myself being placed in a car and someone slide in next to me. 

"Ti ho preso ora principessa" A voice sounded just as everything went dark. (I got you now princess)

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