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"ugh these bastards" jeno cussed as he stepped on the pedal

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"ugh these bastards" jeno cussed as he stepped on the pedal

he's been on the rode for a while trying his best to ride off the chasing cars

renjun anxiously looked down at haechan who was still on his lap, "come on" he mumbled

as much as he wanted to help jeno, he needed to keep a close eye on haechan

"catch" jeno shouted

rejun's head snapped up as he caught the gun thrown at him, "try to get the tires" jeno suggested as he concentrated on the rode, looking back every now and then

slowly rolling down the window besides him he looks out and shoots, every bullet hitting a tire. slowing down the chasing cars

"good job junnie" jeno praised giving the boy a small eye smile before a glaring at his review mirror

"guys" the radio went off

"we're on our way, head to the intersection on the bridge" the voice spoke out

jeno increased his speed, zooming over to the bridge

there he saw a familiar black car just like his, understanding what they were planning he makes a sharp turn the other way as the black car on the bridge drives off in the opposite direction

jeno carefully drives through the bridge and ends up in the city once again, quickly driving back to their base

"lets go" he told renjun as he got out of the car helping the older with the unconscious boy

carrying haechan inside the house the two were shocked to see everyone just sitting on the floor, an awake jinae in the middle

"huh?" jeno let out confused at the situation

"place him down" hendery spoke out

"ah ge" renjun called out nodding at the elder

"wait can someone explain to me how jinae is alright?" jeno asked

"i thought she was in critical condition"

"i was" jinae answered a bit weakly

"i was able to wake up though, thanks to them" she looked towards hendery and xiaojun

giving them a small smile she looked back at the two boys standing with haechan in their arms

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